ALL FAMILIES MATTER #0027 ATTENTION: Author J. Alexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films. He has also provided the first 8 to 20 pages of each project for your review. For more information, please contact J. Alexander:

Poem #0027
Most families are dysfunctional, or so it seemed to Me
Until I read the Bible, and learned of the Holy Trinity
I read about the perfect family, The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
But don’t take my word for it, just look and you will see It
First God created the family, then He choose from the very Start
To give them an earthly body, and a Heavenly Heart
I’m sure He knew the outcome; we’d fill our hearts with Sin
So, He cast us out of the Garden, to where life and death Begin
It’s not enough to say, you’re my daughter or my Son
You have to show you love them, until the battle is Won
You will need to make a promise, and keep it till you Die
That you’ll be there to protect them, until you say Goodbye
You’ll often hear the saying, I’m not my brother’s Keeper
Of course, that’s not the truth, because God’s the Scorekeeper
Your Father, Mother, Sister and Brother, is the family you didn’t ask For
But God decides what we get in life, no less and no More
God said to Adam and Eve, go forth and increase in Number
Use your days for work and your nights for Slumber
And if you do My will, you’ll hear that Pitter Patter
Then you will know in your heart, that All Families Matter
“THE BIBLE POET” – JAlexander