ANGEL ON A HARLEY ATTENTION: Author JAlexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films. He has also provided the first 8 to 20 pages of each project for your review. For more information, please contact J. Alexander:

You know you’re having a bad day, when you get stuck behind 50 Hells Angels, and your horn sticks!
Most of us when we see a big biker on a Harley Davison motorcycle, wearing his colors (that’s the name of his club), we either try to ignore him, or we just stand there and stare. But all of us are a little bit intimidated, because there’s just something about a 6’4” 280-pound mass of flesh and bone on a machine that could wake up an unconscious person five blocks away.
Hello, my name is Edward D Chee, but everybody calls me “Chief”. I’m a proud North American Native Indian. I ride a rare 1936 Harley Davison motorcycle, but I don’t belong to a motorcycle gang. I’m a solo rider. I ride for Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.
You may be wondering why I mention by bike and not about who I am or where I come from? Well, the answer to that question is that as a biker, and my bike tells the world who I am, and world I identify myself with. If for whatever reason a biker sells his bike it then takes on the spirit of its new owner. Some bikers believed that if you steal or possess a bike that is not yours you will be cursed.
The story I’m about to tell you is not about me, my bike, or my life. Although I do appear briefly in the last chapter, the main character is William E Conrad Jr. or Will for short. Will’s father Bill E wanted his son to take his name and all the (stuff) that went with it. But if you should meet Will in a bar, you best not call him Bill E Jr… Of course, if you don’t mind leaving with without the teeth you came in with, then by all means, fill your boots.
Who knows you might get in a lucky shot and knock Will on his behind? The whole bar would be buying you drinks and patting you on the back. Not because you got in a good sucker punch, but that you were the first to ever do it and live to tell about it to your family and friends.
When most older bikers come to the Lord, it’s because they get tired of the life and want to settle down and spend their later years in peace and quiet, and not in a jail cell or a wheelchair.
Although Will grew up in a biker home, he was never a true biker. He was a person who drove a bike because of how it made him feel. To him it meant a freedom that can only be found through God. It says in John 8:36 that if the Son has set you free, you are free indeed.
Author JAlexander
Richard Miller called out to his sister Alice, wait up I want to talk to you. He finally caught up to her just before she got on the school bus. Pulling her aside, he held onto her arm and got really close to her face. I saw you talking to that biker guy Bill E. You know Dad told you to stay away from him, he’s trouble!
Let go of my arm you’re hurting me. I’m turning seventeen soon and I can see whomever I want. He nice to me and I enjoy being around him. So, I don’t care if you tell Dad or not. If he says anything to me, I’ll run away from home.
The dinner table was very quiet at the miller residence that night. Mr. Miller kept looking at his daughter and shaking his head. After they ate, Pastor David nodded his head toward his daughter and she knew they were going to have another one of their heated arguments.
Alice was first to speak. Daddy I’m not your little girl anymore. I’m old enough to make my own decisions. This is my last year of school and I want to get married and have children. I believe Bill E is the right man for me.
Princes you know your Mother and I want only the best for you and Richard. We have tried to bring you up as Christians and always hoped you both would marry God fearing partners. This young man is far from being a Christian and he would only want you to be like him. He would also want his children to be just like him.
Didn’t you learn anything from all the years of Bible study. Remember it says not to yolk yourself with a non-believer. You’re a beautiful young lady and you deserve to be happy and have a life serving our Lord and Savior.
Your Mother and I have talked about this and it’s breaking her heart. She wants her grandchildren to grow up in a good Christian home filled with love.
David Miller looked at his daughter both as a Pastor and a Father. He looked her in the eyes and said, I know you would be the best thing that ever happened to him, but is he the best thing that could happen to you?
You need to get as far away from him as you can.
You know you we will always be her for you and your children. We will never say we told you so, but please talk to God and ask Him if you are making the right decision.
Alice said, maybe if you meet him you might like him. I’ll invite him over for dinner one-night next week and you and him can talk.
Hi Bill E, my parents want to meet you. Can you come to dinner this Friday night? Please say yes! I know they’re going to love you as much as I do. Okay, I’ll come, but if they start giving me the third degree, I’m out of there.
Mr. Miller looked at his watch and then at Alice. Are you sure you told him, six o’clock? Yes daddy, for the third time. He should be here any minute now.
Another ten minutes had passed, when the sound of a Harley Davison Motorcycle broke the peaceful tranquility of the quiet little neighborhood.
The man on the bike just sat there quietly smoking a cigarette as if he was contemplating whether to stay or go. The silence was defining once the roaring of the motor stopped. The guy took off his helmet, flicked his cigarette butt on the lawn. With a little stagger in his step, he made his way up the concrete path to the front door.
He didn’t have to knock or ring the bell, because Alice had been watching him sense he drove up.
Alice opened the door and invited her man to come in and meet the family. The smell of alcohol filled the small entranceway where Mr. and Mrs. Miller were standing. Alice’s brother was not a part of the welcoming committee. He also informed his Mother that he would not be joining them and their guest for dinner.
Alice’s dad was the first to break the ice. But as he held out his hand toward the young stranger, he pulled it back very fast. The guest of honor just ignored him. He also didn’t respond when Alice introduced her Mother.
Without looking at anyone or asking permission, Bill E just walked into the living room checking the place out, then said out loud, where do you want me to sit? Alice came over and guided him to the couch.
She tried to hide her nervousness’ by holding Bill E’s hand with both of hers. This stopped her hands from shaking, but it couldn’t stop her voice from giving her away.
Verna Miller spoke up saying, Mr. Bill E would you like something to drink? Ya! A beer would be good. Alice’s Father cleared his throat and said, sorry Sir, but we don’t drink alcohol in this house. Would you like a coke? Sure, if that’s all you got.
Shall we go into the dining room and have dinner? No one spoke as they made there way to the table. Alice guided Bill E to the far side and her Dad and Mom sat on either end.
There was some small talk, but it wasn’t until Bill E took a small metal container out of his pocket and poured some liquid into his glass of coke. Mr. Miller couldn’t hold back any longer and with a raised voice, almost shouting, he said; young man, I’m a Pastor and a man of God and I do not allow any alcohol in my home. He then pushed his chair back, got up and walked out of the room.
Verna looked at her daughter and she to got up and left the room.
Bill E just smiled, lit up a cigarette took a drink and said; well, that didn’t go over too well, do you want me to leave?
Maybe you better! I’ll see you at school on Monday.
After Bill E left, Alice walked into the living room and just stood there not saying a word.
Her Father spoke up saying, is that the kind of person you want to spend the rest of your life with? If so, may God have mercy on your soul.
Alice stayed in her room all weekend and avoided the family as much as possible. She didn’t go to church on Sunday and no one asked her why.
She had a lot of time to go over Friday’s events.
The first thing she had to come to grips with was the Jackal and Hide side of Bill E. She knew before she started talking to him that he had a few issues with his manners and a problem with authority figures. I guess she thought that she could change him over time. But we all know that a leopard doesn’t change its spots. I think it’s
not that they can’t, it’s that they don’t want to.
Bill E wasn’t at school on Monday, or any other day that week. No one had seen him until the following Tuesday.
Apparently! Bill E was making it quite clear that he was on the loose and looking for a new chick to take her place on his bike. He would be holding auditions after school and any (girl) was welcome to try out for the part.
Alice was able to avoid any contact with Bill E for a few days, but there was one class they both attended and she came face to face with her old boyfriend.
The teacher was forced to ask Bill E and his buddies to leave her classroom ASAP. Billy E put his hand to his mouth and blew Alice a little kiss.
Alice didn’t have any more run-ins with Billy for a few weeks, so, she just thought their little fling was over and done with. She was hurting, but she knew she would get over him, it would just take a while.
Everything seemed to be back to normal until one day when she went to her locker to get something and a bunch of girls were around it and pointing and laughing. Alice pushed a few of them out of the way and saw a note on her locker door. It was from Bill E saying that he forgave her for embarrassing him on that Friday night dinner at her house. It went on to say that if she wanted to see him, she should come to their spot at the end of the building after school.
Alice just tore the note off the door and crumbled it into a ball, then tossed it at the garbage can.
The more she thought about the note, the matter she got. Her teacher had to tell her to stop talking to herself and finish her assignment. By the time the bell rang to end the last class, she was just steaming. She said to herself, I’ll go and meet him and give him a piece of my mind and then I’ll be finished with him for good.
When it came to Bill E, Alice just couldn’t win. Instead of confronting God’s gift to the world, she was confronted with a scene that stopped her dead in her tracks. There was Bill E sitting on his bike with a girl on each side of him. They were kissing his neck and rubbing his chest while making cooing sounds.
Although the girls knew what was going on, they pretended not to notice Alice standing there. Bill E was not as nice as his admirers. He just brought the girls closer and started kissing them back. He did take a moment to throw Alice a few kisses, and give her a cold-hearted look that said, look what you lost baby.
Alice just shook her head and walked away. She didn’t look back, because Bill E would see the tears that were building up in her eyes, then he would know that he had won.
Alice didn’t stand with the others girls who were waiting for the bus. She just stayed to one side and stood with her back to them. Richard came over and putting his arms around her and gave his sister a big brotherly hug. Is everything okay with the princess? I don’t want to talk about it, please just leave me alone.
The school year was coming to an end and the final exams were starting and then the big night would soon be here.
Alice was an A student and didn’t have to study as hard as many of her classmates. This wasn’t necessarily a good thing, because it gave her a lot of time to think about the events of the last few months. Her Mother tried to help by asking her to do some things at the church. With all that was happening at school she forgot how much she enjoyed working on projects with her friends from the youth ministry.
It didn’t take her long to get back into helping others and doing her part to help out wherever she was needed.
There was one cute guy that she had a little crush on a few years ago, but when she talked to him, he said he was dating one of her girlfriends and they were thinking of getting engaged in September. After wishing him all the best, she told her Mother she would be going home, but would come back again if she was needed.
There was one person who was very happy that Alice was back in the fold, and that was Mr. Miller. Both the Pastor and the Father in him was excited that the prodigal child has come home.
Alice kept herself very busy. With her many duties helping her Pastor Father and over active Mother, she hardly had time to think about her prom night.
Alice’s life was to get a lot busier over the next few weeks. As if her church duties weren’t enough, she was volunteered by one of her classmates to be on the decorating committee for the prom. This committee was also responsible to pick the Prom King and Queen. This was a title she had hopped she could have won, but committee members cannot be nominated for obvious reasons.
There were three girls from her class that didn’t have dates, and they asked her if she wanted to go with them and sit at the same table. Alice said she would think about it. She didn’t really want to go to her prom with a bunch of girls. She knew they would be the laughing stock of the whole school. Poor Alice can’t get a date, maybe she’ll go with her brother Richard. He’s such a looser, he won’t have a date either.
After thinking about it for many days, Alice decided to go to the dance. She knew she would be happy for all the couples and she could help the committee before and after the celebration.
But what would she wear? She was sure all the best gowns would be taken and only the ugly ones would still be available for those girls that didn’t have a date and wouldn’t have to impress anybody.
Her Mother suggested she try out that new store over in Clover City. Mom that’s an hour drive and if they had nice dresses they would be taken by now.
Let’s just go and look! We can have lunch and have some girl time.
Alice couldn’t believe her luck! There were a lot of beautiful gowns available. She chose a nice black one that was a little tight from the hips down to the lacey trim at the bottom. Her Mom said you won’t be able to dance in that one princess. I don’t think I’ll be on the dance floor, unless they need someone to clean a mess so no one will slip and fall.
The night was uneventful to say the least. Most of the crowd seemed to be having a good time and it would be over soon and she could get back to working on her future.
It was intermission and some people went outside to get some air.
Billy Flips came into the gym and hollered, there’s a fight on the baseball field and it’s going to be a dosser. He ran back out still hollering at the top of his voice.
Almost everyone was on the field, they had made a circle around the fighters. Alice had to push her way through to get to see who was fighting. She wasn’t surprised when she saw Bill E and his gang of thugs facing off against Jeff Feldman and jocks from the football team. Apparently there had been a storm brewing all year long between these two groups.
It was obvious to everyone watching that someone was going to be hurt real bad tonight. What happened next confirmed that thought.
Bill E got off his bike and then reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a long bike chain and was waving it around in the air. When Jeff saw that he had a weapon, he started backing off. Billy E just smiled and are you a scared chicken, maybe you better hide behind one of your cheerleaders or you could pretend your running for a touchdown and run all the way home?
Students started pointing toward Alice as she walked up and stood between the two Gladiators. She looked at Bill E and said, no one needs to die or go to the hospital tonight. I’ll go with you Billy E and you can do whatever you want to me, just don’t hurt anyone.
Bill E just stood there staring at Jeff and swinging the chain around. Okay, get on the bike. He then smiled in the direction of the now a little more at ease football team and then turned back to Alice and said, I told you to get on the bike! She looked down at her dress and said, it’s too tight, I can’t get on. Billy E reached into his pocket and pulled out his switchblade knife. He just grabbed the bottom of the dress and cut it all the way up to her hips and whispered in her ear, problem solved, get on!
Before he started his motorcycle, Billy E pointed again at Jeff and with a lot of anger in his voice, he said, this ain’t over pretty boy, we’ll finish it later.
Over the next 6 days Bill E not only made a woman of Alice, but he also made her his slave.
He was determined to make her and her son to be lives, a living hell. Only her faith in God would help her from ending her life many times. But Billy E would do everything in his power to keep her down and only when he goes to prison, will she find a little peace. Of course, she had no way of knowing that the damage he would inflect on her, would be too much for her frail body, and this would lead to and early death.
To have complete control over Alice, Bill E believed he would have to marry her. He knew she was a Christian and would have to submit her life to him. Of course, he was wrong, because; you can own someone’s body, but you can never control their mind or their soul.
The wedding was just a confirmation of Bill E’s control and domination over another…
To read the rest of this story, please contact us.