Angels among us (Stage Plays) ATTENTION: Author J. Alexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films. He has also provided the first 8 to 20 pages of each project for your review. For more information, please contact J. Alexander:

ATTENTION: Author JAlexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films.
For more information, please contact
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Note: This story is just one of seventeen taken from a novel by JAlexander called “SHIPWRECK”
Danny, are you ready? We’re leaving in twenty minutes. His Mother waited a few minutes and then repeated her question?
Debbie Murphy was never one to lose her cool, especially with her two kids, but this time she felt she had to put her foot down and get everyone’s cooperation if this “once a year” vacation, was to be a success.
She knew as she climbed the long flight of stairs that she would find her youngest child, Kimberly or Angel as everyone called her, sitting on the floor, in front of her big brother’s bedroom. Stopping just before she reached the top step, because she felt tears building up inside as she thought back to that night when her daughter was born. A few days later, the love of her life went to be with our Lord. She remembered how her wonderful childhood sweetheart had leaned over the hospital bed and kissed his sleeping “Angel”. He then made her a promise that, he would be back in two days, to bring her and her Mother home. But that wasn’t to be: the plane that her man George boarded just a few hours later, wouldn’t make it to its destination, and neither would the other seventy-nine passengers aboard flight 777.
Debbie continued her climb up the stairs, and sure enough, there was “Angel” sitting on the floor. She was banging on her brother’s door with her book of bedtime stories. Debbie put a big smile on her face as she walked down the hall, and as she reached down to pick up her crying baby girl, she whispered; that big brother of yours is going to get a licking and you can hold him while I give him a spanking. Oh no Mommy, please don’t hurt him; he’s the only brother I have. Kissing “Angel” Debbie said, okay, not this time, but… she didn’t get a chance to finish speaking because Danny’s door opened, and a spaceman with wires hanging from his body brushed by her and disappeared into another room across the hall. Debbie looked at “Angel,” and shaking her head, she said; what was that? Did you see that alien go by? That was not an alien Mommy. That was my brother Danny. When he came out of the room, Danny gave them both a look; why are you knocking at my door? “Angel” put up her arms for Danny to take her, but he just squeezed her hand and started walking back into his room. His Mom moved back and blocked the doorway and in a stern voice asked Danny if he remembered what today is?
I know, it’s Saturday morning, and I’m on line with my friends.
Debbie started to get a little annoyed at him, but caught herself in time and with a fake smile reminded him that this was, the first day of their holidays. We’ve been talking about this vacation for over a month now; don’t you ever listen? Yes Mom, but I thought we were going next week, and right now, I need to get back to my computer, because Kevin and I are working on a project for school. You listen to me young man: you’re going into your room right this minute and signing off, and then you’re going to shut down all of your projects and meet us at the front door in twenty minutes; is that clear?
Debbie didn’t wait for an answer, she just walked down the hall with “Angel”. Her voice trailed off, and Danny could hear her saying that they were going to have so much fun, and that it would be the best vacation ever.
Debbie knew it was going to be a long drive, because this would be the first vacation the family would take with the new head of the clan. Although Doug and Debbie had been dating for about two years, it had only been six months since they got married. “Angel” accepted her new Step Dad right away, but Danny thought his Mom was being selfish and unfaithful to his Father. He believed that Doug was an imposter. One night at dinner, just before the wedding, Danny pointed to Doug as he stormed out of the house, saying; you’ll never be my Father, and you will never take his place. Debbie tried many times to talk to Danny about their new life, but he wouldn’t listen. I don’t care if he’s a Minister or a Preacher. I’m not going to church anymore! I don’t believe in God! He took Dad away from me. So, if He doesn’t care about me, I don’t care about Him.
Nobody talked much during the trip. Debbie tried to start some conversations, but when she didn’t get any response, she gave up and just lost herself in her new book called “Angels Among Us.”
The mood, and the tension around the campfire was no better than at home. Danny was not into nature, so that put a damper on enjoying any outdoor activities.
One morning, Debbie suggested that they should all take a walk in the woods and look for some mushrooms, but when the campsite was tidied up after breakfast; Danny just went inside his tent and closed the flap. Debbie tried to keep her cool as she tried to persuade her Son to come with the family. We can have a lot of fun together. Mom! I just want to be left alone. Well, that was the last straw and Debbie got mad. She opened up the zipper on the tent and demanded that Danny come out; now! He came out with his cell phone to his ear and that made Debbie even madder. Grabbing his arm, she pulled the phone from his hand and without putting the phone to her ear, she spoke sharply: Danny can’t come to the phone right now: he’ll call you later, then she pushed the off button. Rage was building up in Danny’s face and he could hardly talk as he lashed out at his Mother. I hate you, and I don’t want to be part of this family anymore! When he started running away, Debbie tried to stop him, but Doug grabbed her arm and said, He needs to be alone to think things over! I’m not sure that he will be back real soon, but it will soon be lunchtime in about an hour, and you know, he never likes to miss a meal.
It seemed like only a few minutes had passed when Debbie asked Doug where “Angel” was? She’s not sitting at the picnic table! Panic started to set in when they checked the tents and the surrounding areas. Debbie felt like she was going out of her mind as she ran through the bushes, calling out for her little girl. Doug was a little calmer. he went to their van and called the emergency phone number on the park’s brochure Within a few minutes, a truck with two park rangers was there and were ready to help. Debbie was a mess, she couldn’t control herself, but thank God, Doug was able to tell the park staff what had happened. They got all the information they needed to start the search.
Through his tears, Danny could hear “Angel’s voice. It was so clear that he knew she must have been very close to him. He only had to walk a few feet, and when he moved a low hanging branch, there in a small clearing was “Angel.” She was sitting on a log, talking to someone! Danny couldn’t make out who it was, because the sun was shining in his eyes. A big smile came on his face when he saw who she was talking to. It was their Father! Kneeling down beside “Angel” Danny couldn’t say a word. He just stared and listened to every word his Father said.
Danny, you need to be a strong young man. Your mother and sister need you, and you need them. Your mother didn’t get married again just for herself. She knows that you and “Angel” needed a father figure, someone to help both of you on your journey through life. God loves you very much, so, He sent someone to take my place. “He didn’t send someone to replace me!”
I have to go know, but please promise me that you will look after your mother and your little sister. “Always remember that I’ll be waiting for the day that we will all be together again!”
Danny felt different as he watched his father slowly disappear. When he took “Angel’s” hand, he wondered if he would see his Daddy again? He waited for a moment and then said to Angel; we may not see him down here on earth, but I know he will always be with us. And I know we’ll all be together in Heaven. Come on, let’s hurry, I’m sure Mom and Dad are worried about us.
John 15:5 – Apart from me, you can do nothing!
By J. Alexander