DO UNTO OTHERS ATTENTION: Author J. Alexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films. He has also provided the first 8 to 20 pages of each project for your review. For more information, please contact J. Alexander:

Note: This story is just one of seventeen taken from a novel by JAlexander called “SHIPWRECK”
When wise people speak, they make knowledge attractive, but stupid people spout nonsense. Proverbs 15:2
Looking at the house and the condition of the front yard, David was sure that this home at number 2 Anger Street didn’t do much to promote the resale values of the homes in the neighborhood.
Walking up the unpainted steps to the front porch, he could see an elderly woman in a rocking chair, but as he got closer to her, he realized she just looked old and that she was probably only in her early fifties.
Without asking permission, David sat on a chair beside the woman. Not looking at him she said, “I know why you’re here; you want to know if I have ever experienced Anger.”
Through clenched rotten teeth, the woman remarked, “Young man, you’re looking into the face of anger! I was an angry child; an angry teen and I continue being angry to this day. Some people sarcastically called me ‘Little Miss Penelope,’ but that never bothered me.
As a child my parents or anyone who came in contact with me always chalked my anger up to me being a spoiled brat. I will admit to being spoiled, but my anger even shocked me, when it got out of control.”
David was in awe as he listened and mentally recorded the woman’s story. She continued on, “My teachers, parents and even my few friends didn’t mess with me and if they did, it was only once. To me, life was great, but to everyone else around me, it was a living hell.” Because I was so hard to get along with, I spent a lot of time alone, but when I did give an order or yelled, things got done and done my way. I enjoyed watching my two kids, Michael and Jennifer, literally jump when I shouted out an order. Now my husband Anthony, he was a different story. He didn’t talk much and that was okay, but he would make me furious when I would tell him to do something and he would smile at me and then just walk away. I’ve thrown a few objects his way in the past, but that didn’t faze him at all. He would just smile and leave the room.
“As for my home, I wanted the best of everything from furniture and paintings to a professionally landscaped and manicured property. To have the best, you have to hire the best and that is what I did. My dear sweet loving husband was very rich so money was never a problem.”
David looked a little confused because from where he was sitting the place definitely did not fit her description of a dream home.
“I can see by the expression on your face that you’re thinking this can’t be the place I‘m describing. Well you’re right; I haven’t always lived here. Come with me and I’ll show you where I used to call home.”
Following her to the end of the veranda, David looked in the direction of her outstretched hand. He had to catch his breath as he gazed upon a very large castle perched on top of a hill.
Smiling for the first time she turned to David; “That’s where I was a ‘Fairytale Queen’ ruling over all my subjects. I know I would still be there if I had controlled my anger, but then my story would have a happy ending instead of…well, as you can see, things don’t always turn out the way they’re planned.”
We sat down again and she continued telling her story. “I was in the habit of interviewing anyone who wanted to do work at the Castle. All individuals, companies and contractors would be interrogated by yours truly.”
“One contractor, a little mouse of a man named Mr. Hornsby, had a great reputation in the horticulture industry. He owned a chain of flower shops that catered to the rich. I was planning to use him for some small projects in the spring of the year and if he worked out okay, I would use him for my big event in the summer. Well my events weren’t really little tea parties; they were full blown gala’s. All the upper class would be there, so I wanted everything to be perfect. Nothing less would be acceptable.
After interviewing Mr. Hornsby and using him for two of my smaller venues, I signed a contract for his company to provide the floral arrangements for my big extravaganza.”
“The day of the big summer event was hectic, to say the least. Everything was fine until I counted the rose arrangements on the tables. One of the vases had eleven roses instead of the twelve that was agreed upon. I was so angry and upset that I was seeing red and it wasn’t the reflection from the roses!”
I couldn’t control myself and I hollered out, ‘Someone get me Mr. Hornsby now!’ I was getting more frustrated by the minute, as I stood there tapping my fingers on the table. I screamed again, ‘Will someone get that little…on the phone before I explode?’
“One of the servants called out, ‘I have his office on the phone and they say he’s tending to a personal matter and can’t be reached.’
“I want you to phone back and tell them that if he’s not here within the hour, he will wish he had never gone into business! The more I looked at the vase with the missing rose, the madder I got. Guests were starting to arrive, but I was so embarrassed I couldn’t get up to greet them. My husband Anthony did the best he could, but he was not used to being the host.”
“Within a half hour most of the guests had arrived, some were seated and others were just standing around listening to the orchestra playing classical music. People could sense that the ‘Queen Bee’ was in one of her moods and it was just a matter of time before I exploded.”
“The guests didn’t have to wait long for the inevitable to happen. This was not the first time they had seen me in action, but what was about to unfold, was even above and beyond anything they had ever seen. Everyone knew something was up when they saw a man coming down the stairs to the right of the orchestra and heard me holler out, ‘Stop right there Mr. Hornsby, you need to account for your inferior service.’
After pushing my chair back so hard that it crashed to the floor, I strutted right up to the microphone and pushed the band leader out of the way and then I proceeded to do the unthinkable… I summoned Mr. Hornsby to come to the queen. The stunned audience gave a gasp of disbelief as they watched me slap the defenseless little man not once, but twice. I then grabbed him with both hands and turned him toward my shocked guests and said, ‘This pathetic excuse for a man will now explain to all of us why there are only eleven roses in this vase, when I specifically ordered twelve. After that he will explain why he has kept me waiting for two hours.
“Red faced and barely able to speak, Mr. Hornsby addressed the crowd.”
First of all, I want to apologize to Miss. Penelope, her family and to you, her special guests. I don’t know how my employee could have miscounted the roses, but I take full responsibility for ruining this perfect day.
The reason I couldn’t get here sooner was because three hours ago, I was informed by the police that my wife Jan and our two kids were involved in a head on collision. The emergency room doctor said my wife and son have been taken into surgery and that my precious daughter Sarah was in a coma and she may not survive the night.’
With tears running down his face and a lump in his throat, Mr. Hornsby said, “I’m truly sorry for any inconvenience or embarrassment I may have caused any of you here today.”
A silence fell over the crowd as they watched a broken and devastated man walk slowly up the stairs and then out of sight. Not a word was said as each guest rose to their feet and followed in Mr. Hornsby’s footsteps.”
Looking for support from her family, Penelope held out her hand and said, “I didn’t know; ‘it’s not my fault; I just wanted everything to be perfect!” “Anthony, you understand, don’t you?”
“No, I certainly do not. As a matter of fact, I’m disgusted by your actions today and I want you to leave.”
Holding his two devastated children he said, “Goodbye Penelope, I’ll have my lawyer contact you tomorrow.”
“Now you know the story Sir. I lost everything because of my lifetime of anger. I sit here most nights and look up at that mansion on the hill and curse the day I was born. I do feel a little bit better after sharing my story with you. You’re a good listener, just like that fellow who was here a few weeks ago. After hearing my story, he just shook his head and said, ‘I’m sorry your life turned out this way,’ and then he gave me this Bible. He told me, ‘If you read the place I have marked and believe what it says, you will find some comfort in your sad and lonely life.’
Handing the Bible to David she said, “I wish I had my life to live over so I could do what the Bible says:”
Ephesians 4: 31, 32. Get rid of all bitterness, passion, and anger. No more shouting or insults, no more hateful feelings of any sort. Instead, be kind and tender-hearted to one another, and forgive one another, as God has forgiven you through Christ.
With tears building up inside of him, David said, “You can’t go back and change the past, but you can alter your future. It’s plain to see that God has forgiven you, but now it’s up to you to forgive yourself. Only when you come to terms with your anger and accept your past will you be able to move on with your life.”
The woman looked at David and replied, “I ask only one thing of you; please include my story in your book, and if my worthless life helps just one person, then my life will not have been lived in vain.”
John 15:5 – Apart from me, you can do nothing!
By JAlexander