DO UNTO OTHERS - SCRIPT ATTENTION: Author J. Alexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films. He has also provided the first 8 to 20 pages of each project for your review. For more information, please contact J. Alexander:

Note: Author JAlexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films.
For more information, please contact: JAlexander
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ATTENTION: The author JAlexander has provided the first 4 to 6 pages of the script for you to review. If you wish to read the rest of the script, please fill out the form provided.
Script Request form:
Mississauga ON Canada
This story is about a woman who was not just an angry person, she was the face of anger. From a child to an adult this spoiled child ruled the roost. If she didn’t get her way, she made everyone around her suffer. She once admitted that her anger even shocked her, but not enough for her to stop her angry ways.
A YOUNG MAN named David McMasters waits about ten feet from the entrance of #3 Anger Street. He doesn’t want to get in the way of the paramedics who are coming out of the gate. Only after watching the ambulance pull away with its lights flashing does he approach the house. As he walks slowly toward the house, he can feel the smoothness of each patio stone that his thin-soled shoes caress. By the look of the house and the condition of the front yard, David was sure that this home at number 2 Anger Street didn’t do much to promote the resale values of the homes in the neighborhood. As he walked up the unpainted steps to the front porch, he could see an elderly woman in a rocking chair, but as he got closer to her, he realized she just looked old and that she was probably only in her early fifties. Without asking permission, David sat on a chair beside the woman. Not looking at him she said,
Woman on the porch (V.O.)
“I know why you’re here; you want to know if I have ever experienced Anger?”
THROUGH CLENCHED rotten teeth, the woman remarked,
Woman on the porch (V.O.)
“Young man, you’re looking into the face of anger! I was an angry child; an angry teen and I continue being angry to this day. Some people sarcastically called me “Little Miss Penelope,” but that never bothered me. As a child my parents or anyone who came in contact with me always chalked my anger up to me being a spoiled brat. I will admit to being spoiled, and that my anger even shocked me, when it got out of control.”
DAVID WAS IN awe as he listened and mentally recorded the woman’s story. She continued on,
“Little Miss Penelope” (V.O.)
“My teachers, parents and even my few friends didn’t mess with me, and if they did, it was only once! To me, life was great, but to everyone else around me, it was a living hell.” Because I was so hard to get along with, I spent a lot of time alone, but when I did give an order or yelled, things got done and done my way! I enjoyed watching my two kids, Michael and Jennifer, literally jump when I shouted out an order. Now my husband Anthony, he was a different story. He didn’t talk much and that was okay, but he would make me furious when I would tell him to do something and he would just smile at me, and then just walk away. I’ve thrown a few objects his way in the past, but that didn’t faze him at all. He would just smile and leave the room.
THE WOMAN pauses briefly to take a drink from an old chipped coffee mug. Then after taking a deep breath, she continued with her story.
“Little Miss Penelope” (V.O.)
“As for my home, I wanted the best of everything from furniture and paintings, to a professionally landscaped and manicured property. To have the best, you have to hire the best, and that is what I did! My dear sweet loving husband was very rich so money was never a problem.”
DAVID LOOKED A little confused because from where he was sitting the place definitely did not fit her description of a dream home.
“Little Miss Penelope” (V.O.)
“I can see by the expression on your face that you’re thinking this can’t be the place I just described. Well you’re right! I haven’t always lived here. Come with me and I’ll show you where I used to call home.”
FOLLOWING THE woman to the end of the veranda, David looked in the direction of her outstretched hand. He had to catch his breath as he gazed upon a very large castle perched on top of a hill. Smiling for the first time, the woman turned to David and said,
“Little Miss Penelope” (V.O.)
That’s where I was a ‘Fairytale Queen’ ruling over all my subjects. I know I would still be there if I had controlled my anger, but then, my story would have a happy ending instead of…well, as you can see, things don’t always turn out the way they’re planned.”
WHEN THEY SAT DOWN again, the woman continued telling her story.
“Little Miss Penelope” (V.O.)
“I was in the habit of interviewing anyone who wanted to do work at the Castle. All individuals, companies and contractors would be interrogated by yours truly.” “One contractor, a little mouse of a man named Mr. Hornsby, had a great reputation in the horticulture industry. He owned a chain of flower shops that catered to the rich. I was planning to use him for some small projects in the spring of the year, and if he worked out okay, I would use him for my big event in the summer. Well my events weren’t really little tea parties; they were full blown gala’s. All the upper class would be there, so I wanted everything to be perfect. Nothing less would be acceptable. After interviewing Mr. Hornsby and using him for two of my smaller venues, I signed a contract for his company to provide the floral arrangements for my big extravaganza.”
“Little Miss Penelope” (V.O.)
“The day of the big summer event was hectic, to say the least. Everything was fine until I counted the rose arrangements on the tables. One of the vases had eleven roses instead of the twelve that was agreed upon. I was so angry and upset that I was seeing red, and it wasn’t the reflection from the roses!”
LITTLE MISS Penelope was steaming and getting redder by the minute, then she lost it and hollered out;
“Little Miss Penelope” (V.O.)
“Someone, get me Mr. Hornsby, now!” I was getting more frustrated by the minute, as I stood there tapping my fingers on the table. I screamed again, “Will someone get that little…on the phone before I explode?” “One of the servants called out, “I have his office on the phone and they say he’s tending to a personal matter and can’t be reached.”
THE SERVANT JUST stood there frozen, waiting for instructions.
“Little Miss Penelope” (V.O.)
“I want you to phone back and tell them that…