GOD DOESN'T BARGAIN ATTENTION: Author J. Alexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films. He has also provided the first 8 to 20 pages of each project for your review. For more information, please contact J. Alexander:

ATTENTION: Author JAlexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films.
For more information, please contact JAlexander:
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Note: This story is just one of seventeen taken from a novel by JAlexander called “SHIPWRECK”
The story begins with Rick, an elderly man driving into the parking lot of a Hospital and long-term care facility. He doesn’t get out of his car right away; he just sits there staring out the window and dreaming about happier days.
He remembers when he first met Ruth, the love of his life; that first kiss and how they held hands on their first walk. Tears came to his eyes as his mind raced back to their wedding day and how beautiful she looked. Over the years, she had made so many sacrifices for him and anyone else that needed her help. Her true Christian heart showed unconditional love.
During one holiday season, her sister Sarah, whom she hadn’t seen in fifteen years, showed up at our door on Christmas Eve.
Apparently, she had another big fight with her alcoholic husband and he kicked her out of the house.
They weren’t expecting any company for Christmas that year, but Ruth made Sarah feel welcome and special by putting her name on a few presents.
Rick made sure he dried his tears and put on a big smile before getting out of his car. As he walked across the parking lot toward the building, he saw Dave and Verna Miller, a very nice couple who never missed a day of visiting his mother Dorothy. Rick knew too well what they were going through, because their mom was fighting that killer Alzheimer’s disease just like his precious Ruth.
Something didn’t seem right; usually they stop and talk but today they just nodded as they passed him and quickly got into their car and drove off. It wasn’t until Rick stopped at the reception desk to sign in that he heard Dorothy wouldn’t make it through the week.
Clarence the maintenance man stopped Rick in the hallway outside of Ruth’s room just like he always did; only this time he didn’t just say hi, he wanted to ask if he was okay.
“I’m fine my friend; is there something you want to talk about?”
“Well, I hope you don’t think I’m prying or out of line but I’ve noticed you’re here every day at the same time. I was wondering why you have the same routine when Ruth doesn’t know who you are.”
Rick just smiled at him and said, “That’s true my friend; she doesn’t know me, but I know that if it was me laying there she would never give up until the Lord called me to be with Him.
With a salute and a wave of his hand, Rick put a little skip in his step as he entered Ruth’s room. When he saw her staring out the window, he tried to be quiet but it was too late; she turned and looked across the room at him. “You’ve come back to see me, how nice! Are you my doctor?”
“No Ruth, I’m your friend; as a matter of fact, we’ve been friends for many years.”
She reached out and touched his face and said, “I’m going home today, so I won’t be able to talk to you anymore.”
“That’s great, but I know your family and where you live, so we can talk every day.”
Rick was with Ruth less than an hour when she told him, “I’m not feeling well; can you help me get into bed?”
Putting his arm around her frail body and lifting her off her feet, he laid her down gently and covered her with a warm blanket. Sitting down and taking her hand in his, he could see that her eyes were closed, but she wasn’t sleeping. It was tearing him apart as he watched the love of his life; shaking her head from side to side as she called out for someone to help her.
While still holding Ruth’s hand, Rick pushed the emergency call button. Within a minute a nurse came into the room and asked, “What’s wrong Rick?”
“I don’t know; she was fine until a few minutes ago, and then all of a sudden she told me she felt sick and needed to lie down.”
After taking Ruth’s pulse and checking her eyes, the nurse turned to Rick and said, “I’m sorry but you’ll have to leave; Ruth has slipped into a coma.”
She pushed the alarm button and within two minutes, there were two nurses and a doctor running into the room. Realizing he was in the way; Rick left the room and went to the small lounge down the hall and started talking to God.
Praying earnestly, he said, “Lord, you know Ruth has been a faithful Christian and has devoted her life to you. I too have tried to follow in your footsteps and haven’t asked you for much, but I’m asking you now; please don’t take Ruth home today. I don’t think I can go on without her. We never had children; it has always been just her and our precious little dog Taffy.
Please God; I’ll do anything you ask if you would only allow my Ruth to live a few more years, at least until I can make it on my own.”
Being a Christian all his life, Rick was aware that even though God doesn’t always answer our prayers, he did promise to never leave us nor forsake us.
The day that Rick was dreading started with a phone call one rainy Saturday morning. It was Ruth’s doctor relaying the bad news.
“I’m sorry Rick, but she may not make it through the day.”
After hanging up Rick, slowly collapsed into a chair, wondering what he would do now that his world was torn apart and he was losing his companion of fifty years. Taffy came over and placed her nose on his knee and with her sad eyes, she told him that she understood everything that was happening.
Rick knew he had to get himself together and get to Ruth’s bedside, but things didn’t go as he had planned. When he arrived at her floor, one of the nurses came from behind the desk and blocked his way insisting, “Rick, I need to talk to you. I’m sorry, but she’s gone. Do you want to see her?”
“No, I want to be alone so I can pray.”
After talking to the Lord, he walked into Ruth’s room and felt a little relieved when he saw the peaceful look on her face. The corners of her mouth were turned up like she was smiling; a smile Rick knew very well. He also noticed that Ruth was still hanging onto the guardrails, as if she had put up a little fight at the last minute.
Ruth had confided to Rick before Alzheimer’s disease took control of her mind that she was afraid of dying. He assured her that she didn’t need to be afraid of the valley of death, because it was just a shadow and a shadow couldn’t hurt her. He also reminded her that she would be with the Lord in Heaven and that the things of this world would never harm her again.
It gave him comfort knowing she would be there to greet him when he walked through those Pearly Gates.
The years didn’t ease the pain for Rick and he continued to miss his bride as he dealt with many of life’s trials. First, he had a bad accident (not his fault) and his injuries got progressively worse as time went on.
Then his faithful companion Taffy died, making a bigger hole in his heart. Feeling helpless and alone, Rick often pleaded with God to take him home and when that didn’t happen, he would sometimes lose his temper and swear. He would then ask our Lord to forgive him and he would then be okay for a few days but something would trigger another outburst and the cycle would repeat itself. Rick found it very difficult to go on living without his Ruth.
Rick felt depressed most days, he did try to get closer to Ruth by staying in the house they had purchased as a young couple. He kept everything just the way she had left it and this allowed him to keep his memories alive.
Although Rick slipped up a lot by swearing and asking God why He had to take the love of his life, he knew the Lord was with him and that one day he would be reunited with his beautiful wife and they would spend eternity together.
John 11:28 – Come to me all you who are heavy burdened and I will give you rest.
By JAlexander