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GOD GIVE ME COURAGE #0023 ATTENTION: Author J. Alexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films. He has also provided the first 8 to 20 pages of each project for your review. For more information, please contact J. Alexander:


Poem #0023
I overheard two men talking about courage
One was encouraged, and the other was discouraged
The first man said I will, the second said I won’t
So, if you believe you have courage you do, and if don’t, you don’t

Be strong and of good courage, is what the Bible says
Just rebuke the devil, and his evil ways
You can fight alone, it’s totally up to you
But if you stand by God, your victory He’ll see you through

God has promised, to forsake you never
His Word you can count on, it will last forever
So, the next time you need to stand up and fight
Just call out to our Lord, and you’ll feel His strength and might

In days of old, great men of God roamed
Far away from their friends, families, and home
Like Abraham and Moses, who left everything behind
We need to go where God sends us, and wait for His signs

It’s sad these two men, could not agree
That if they gave their life to Jesus, He would set them free
So, the next time you feel, over whelmed and discouraged
Just use God’s strength, it will give you courage

“THE BIBLE POET” – JAlexander