GOD SAYS STOP WORRYING #0039 ATTENTION: Author J. Alexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films. He has also provided the first 8 to 20 pages of each project for your review. For more information, please contact J. Alexander:

Poem #0039
The Bible says, don’t be anxious about Anything
Just trust in God, and he’ll see you through Everything
For the peace of God, which Transends all Understanding
His love is offered free, and is never Demanding
Never worry about things like, food or Clothing
His gifts will last forever, never rusting or Eroding
Our Heavenly Father will take care, of all our Needs
He just asks us to go out into the world, and plant His seeds
For those who don’t know the Savior, worry will always be Theirs
They won’t be children of God, and they won’t be His Heirs
God said no worry is too small, to get His Attention
No sin that you have done, is too bad for you to Mention
Just come to me, all you who are heavy Burdened
Keep my love in your heart, never let it be Hardened
Just come to me, and I’ll send the evil one Scurrying
There is no place in your life, for fear and Worrying
“THE BIBLE POET” – JAlexander
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