GRIEF IS A THIEF #0021 ATTENTION: Author J. Alexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films. He has also provided the first 8 to 20 pages of each project for your review. For more information, please contact J. Alexander:

Poem #0021
Just like a thief, who comes unexpected
Grief shows its face, when we’re least protected
We can pretend it’s not happening, we can choose to deny
Or we can turn to the Bible, and give God a try
Grief is a deep and very powerful emotion
You’ll feel tossed and turned, like a wave on the ocean
Grief comes to us in all shapes and sizes
It brings us confusion, and all kinds of surprises
Our Lord stays close to those who are brokenhearted
While we mourn for our love ones, those dearly departed
He knows we will feel alone and forgotten
But He will never forsake us, our hurts He will soften
Peter felt grief, when Jesus he denied knowing
And he wept when the roaster, he heard 3 times crowing
But Jesus forgave him, with love not commanding
He forgave his son, with great understanding
God understands about grief and sorrow
He says live for today, and don’t worry about tomorrow
God wants His Children to never fear grief
He’ll always protect us because He knows, “Grief is a Thief”
“THE BIBLE POET” – JAlexander