SENIOR MOMENTS (TV SERIES) ATTENTION: Author JAlexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films. He has also provided the first 8 to 20 pages of each project for your review. For more information, please contact JAlexander: Click Contact:

Senior Moments
The pilot for
“A TV Comedy Series”
Logline: The misadventures of six senior citizens who meet daily in a mall.
The series is based on the Great Comedy Shows of the past 75 years, shows like, I love Lucy, The Honeymooners, The Carol Burnet Show, The Andy Griffith Show, The Dick Van Dyke Show.
The show takes place in a local mall where six seniors, five (5) are officially retired but, the one who calls himself “Charlie Chin” is still working. The main characters interact with each other and the public seven days a week. The only thing they have in common is that five of them are retired, but in every other way they are as different as day and night.
Each colorful character is unique in every way. They all have totally different personalities, upbringing and opinions of how the world should be, and if people would just do as they say, the world would be a better place.
The main characters interact with the general public when they meet every day at the food court of their local mall. As they go about trying to change the world. They also feel the need to change the lives of the general public who get too close for comfort and can’t escape the words of wisdom bestowed on them by these personal saviors’ of this world.
No one is safe from their helpful advice. They want to help everyone from the bank staff, mall management, and every customer who comes to shop in the stores.
Not even the mall security, cleaning and maintenance staff, or the malls office staff and management are safe from these relentless advisors who know exactly how to make you a better all-round good person.
The Six Main Characters
Note; All of the main characters have dual personalities, one is a public persona, and the other is a personal hidden past that rarely shows itself.
Each episode of “Senior Moments” will offer life lessons, interesting topics and situations, and guest appearances that will help (not just seniors) but everyone to live by.
1) “Mr. Earl” Francis Earl Jones is a man of color who was a dedicated postman for over thirty-eight years, but his dream was to become a…
2)” Lady Dora Simcoe” claims to be a lady from high society who had been married nine times, eight times to very rich and successful gentlemen and once…
3)”Sergeant Major Richard Charles David George Blackstone the Third.” His story is that he retired from the British Army after serving for thirty-nine years.
He often tells stories about his life as a spy and a close advisor to Winston Churchill during the Second World War. The truth is…
4) “Charlie Chin” an immigrant from China, whose real name is (Cheng Ching) who has been living in this country over fifty years and still has not mastered the English language. When he left his homeland as a young chef, he dreamed of opening a chain of restaurants that would serve only the finest oriental cuisine. But the only steady work he could find was…
5) “Bobby Sanderson” known to everyone as “Mayor Bobby” is always seen wearing a wrinkled 1950’s style suit with a “Chain of Office” or “Official Seal” around his neck, something he bought at a…
6) “Henry Steadman” a want-a-be professional hockey player who wears a Toronto Maple Leaf’s Jacket twelve months of the year. He claims to have played with all the great hockey teams of the Big 6 in the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. He also claims to have been friends with Rocket Richard, Doug Harvey and Gordie Howe and others. The truth is, although Henry was a very good hockey player…
7) “John Jenkins (JJ)” makes a “Special Guess Appearance” in every episode. He is a crime reporter from the past. He lives in a (mostly forgotten) world of long, long ago. An era when being a crime reporter was not only a thrilling profession, but a very dangerous…
Pilot (First episode)
We now introduce the cast, the stage and the General Storyline. We will also include the daily lives of the characters and their Senior Moments situations.
Opening scene 1 – The Mall – 11:30 – 2011
A SHOT OF A mall outside and then inside showing all the stores and the shoppers.
THE SHOWS music (theme song) is playing.
WE GO INSIDE and the camera settles on the food court, and then zooms in on two security guards talking to a member of the public (a regular).
THE SECURITY GUARDS, Mr. Big (Fredrick Drummond) a five-foot giant (in his own mind) who considers himself a walking (dictionary) and considers himself to be the of past 50 years. Mr. Big always controls the verbal conversations while his loyal sidekick, Albert (Stumpy) Finny with his six foot four, two-hundred-and-forty-pound frame would control the physical aspects of the security work.
Mr. Big is asking a senior named “Sergeant” to sit down and tell him “what’s the problem?” After straightening his clothes, Sergeant Major Richard Charles David George Blackstone the third) started to get up as he points his finger at a teenager (being restrained by Stumpy). Mr. Big put his hand on Sergeant’s shoulder and said,
Mr. Big (V.O.)
Never mind him, just tell me what happened?
The Sergeant (V.O.)
Well, I was just sitting here (like I do every day) enjoying my tea and reading the newspaper when that person sat down and proceeded to put his feet on two chairs and then turned on a box that played weird music, too loud! He then had the nerve to ask me if I had any spare change. When I told him I didn’t have any, and that he should get a job, he started cursing at me, and of course, I said a few things to him, and that’s when someone called security.
Mr. Big (V.O.)
Okay, thanks Serge!
MR. BIG WALKED over to the teen who was now sitting down with Stumpy standing over him and as he turned one of the chairs around and startled it, he looked into the teen’s eyes and said,
Mr. Big (V.O.)
“What’s up?”
HE WAITED a few seconds and then said,
Mr. Big (V.O.)
Hey, you can talk to me or to my associate, Mr. Finny, who is a man of few words. He likes to get physical, so he will remove you from the mall and I’ll bar you from coming on this property for the rest of your life. So, what’ll it be, “talk or walk?”
FINALLY, the youth spoke up saying,
Youth (V.O.)
That the old geezer over there started on me as soon as I sat down, he’s the one that should be barred from here, not me!
MR. BIG just shook his head, then asked,
Youth (V.O.)
Did you have your feet on the chairs, and was the music too loud?
Youth (V.O.)
Ya; so, what! It’s a free world and I’m not hurting anyone; I do it all the time!
MR. BIG MOVED his chair a little closer and in a quiet voice said,
Mr. Big (V.O.)
We have rules and regulations here, some are written, and others we just expect all customers to know the right thing to do. So, I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. If you promise to behave yourself and (think of others), I’ll allow you to keep coming to our mall, but if something like this or you’re involved in anything else in the future, we will ban you, do you understand?
Youth (V.O.)
Ya sure; whatever!
AS MR. BIG STOOD up and put the chair back in place at the table, Stumpy said,
Stumpy (V.O.)
Why didn’t you let me throw him out and be rid of him?
Mr. Big (V.O.)
Because everyone deserves a second chance, but if he acts up again, be my guest and remove him from the building.
WHEN MR. BIG and stumpy passed by the sergeant’s table, Mr. Big said,
Mr. Big (V.O.)
Next time just give us a call and we’ll handle it. Okay Serge!
In a future episode, we will have the teen return to the spotlight (in a situation) where he gets help from unlikely source the Sergeant Major when he actually confronts a table of rowdy teens that are getting out of hand. He gives the Serge a high five as they walk back to their chairs. After today, the teen (Daryl) and Serge become good friends.
If Interested Contact:
James A Cormier
Phone: 416-500-8207