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SHIPWRECK ATTENTION: Author JAlexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 35 novels and short stories into films. He has also provided the first 8 to 20 pages of each project for your review. For more information, please contact JAlexander: Click Contact:


SHIPWRECK (And A Road Called Grief)

We all must die and leave this world and although we do not know when our time will be up, we should take comfort in knowing that we will not have to face our final hour alone. Paul said that nothing can separate God’s children from his love. Then he adds, “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Jesus Christ our Lord’ (Romans 8:38-39). Death is not any more successful than life in separating us from Christ’s love.

It says in the Bible, that even Jesus asked God to take away his cup of suffering. So could anyone of us mere mortals claim to be greater than He? I think not.

The inspiration for this novel came from John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress” a timeless masterpiece and also his life’s story. Even Mr. Bunyan’s last words have endured for over four-hundred years, “Weep not for me, but for your selves. I go to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will through the mediation of His blessed Son receive me though a sinner; there we shall meet to sing the new song and remain everlastingly happy, world without end.”

If only one suffering, grieving person (Soul) finds some comfort in just one section of this book, I will consider the entire project a success.


J Alexander


We spend a good portion of our lives working diligently to acquire those things that make life rich and meaningful-friends, a wife or husband, a home, a job, material comforts, money, and security. What happens to us when we lose any of these persons or things which are so important to us?

Quite naturally, we grieve over the loss of anything important. Sometimes, if the loss is great, the very foundations of our life are shaken, and we are thrown into deep despair. Because we know so little about the nature of grief, we become panicky when it strikes us, and this serves to throw us deeper into despondency. What should we know about the “grief process,” so that we can better cope with it?

Does a persons faith have anything to do with the way we grieve over what we have lost? For instance, when we lose a job, or lose a loving friend, or fail in school, or are disliked by the people at the office because of our unpopular convictions, does our grief at these times have anything to do with our faith?

Faith plays a major role in grief of any kind. But not in the way some people think. They often seem to have the idea that a person with strong faith does not grieve and is above that sort of thing. Moreover, these people imply that religious faith advocates stoicism. They might even quote the two words from Scripture, “grieve not!” But they forget to quote the rest of the phrase in which these two words are found:

“Grieve not as those who have no hope.” (1 Thess. 4:13)

But religious faith-at least the Jewish-Christian faith-has never said that a truly religious person does not grieve. What it has said is that there are good and bad ways to grieve, and that what a person considers to be of most importance in life will definitely effect the way he or she grieves.

If we include “little griefs” along with our “large grief’s” we can say that grief is as natural as breathing. It is inevitable! We cannot live without experiencing it in a thousand ways. Such a seemingly inconsequential thing as your husband’s phone call at the last minute, just before guests arrive for dinner, to say that he has to work late throws you into a mild form of grief. Or perhaps the boss under whom you have worked happily for ten years is suddenly transferred, and the new one is pompous and overbearing. This is a form of grief. How we handle these “Little Grief’s” will in some measure tell us how we will probably handle the larger “Grief’s “when they come our way.

It is possible to predict fairly well some of the things that will happen to all of us when something or someone very essential to our particular way of life are taken away. This novel by J Alexander will address grief as it pertains to death, especially the loss of a loved one.

Grief is a natural part of human experience. We face minor grief almost daily in some situation or another. To say a person who is deeply religious and therefore does not have to face grief is ridiculous. Not only is it totally unrealistic, but it is also incompatible with the whole Christian message.

The one Bible verse every Sunday-school child knows by heart is the two-word verse “Jesus wept.” These words describe a man who, when grief came, was able to weep, for He wanted and needed to express the feelings within Him.

Throughout this book we will discuss the stages of grief using stories, metaphors, and Bible passages that the reader can relate to and thus have a guide to help them or someone they love go through each stage on the “Road Called Grief.” You should soon find that people who face up to their loss by wrestling openly and honestly with the problem will come through the grieving experience stronger, deeper, and better able to help other people with their grieving.

Like Job of old, we must refuse to give up our basic faith. Through the centuries people who have been able to face grief in the knowledge that God still cares about them have said that grief can be counted among the great deepening experiences of life.

All the stages of grief must be understood to be the normal process through which most people must go as they face up to their loss. In other words, we shall be talking about the “Road called Grief” that the majority of humans must travel in order to get back into the mainstream of life.

These words were taken by permission from a book by Granger E. Weisberg called “Good Grief” Published by Augsburg Fortress copyright 1971.











Somewhere off the coast of Africa the USS Recovery, one of two ships involved in a search and rescue mission is in contact with its surveillance team. The conversation between them goes something like this: A crew member on the S&R helicopter communicates to the pilot: Sir, I have spotted an SOS distress signal written in the sand on a small island on our port side.

The pilot radios the communications officer on the Mother ship. Sir, we have a confirmed SOS sighting on a beachhead ten nautical miles due south of your position. We are going to investigate, will Sit-Rep upon verification.

Just as the rescue helicopter made it’s turn to go back to check out the SOS signal, the co-pilot noticed another S&R helicopter from the USS Recoveries sister ship hovering over another island about a quarter of a mile north of the island they were checking out. The two helicopters didn’t communicate, because they knew the two war ships were aware of each rescue team’s mission and location.

The pilot of the first helicopter asked his crew member to reconfirm his sighting. Affirmative Sir, I have a visual on the SOS signal out of our starboard side. Everyone stay alert, while I call in a situation update. This is Captain Weaver, we’ve made a visual but cannot attempt a rescue because of a low fuel warning and it looks like we are in for some bad weather.

The communication officer replied, return to the ship immediately, I repeat; return to the ship immediately. Affirmative, will comply.

When the helicopter started turning away from the island, one of the crew members could see the two stranded individuals waving franticly and although he couldn’t hear what they were saying, he was sure they were confused and disappointed.

Let’s go back three days, same island

Standing on the bridge of “LITTLE TITANIC” first mate David Poole was giving orders to the helmsmen Ron Langer as he watched the ship’s bow come out of the water. Seamen Langer noticed that the waves were getting bigger so it was taking the ship longer to break the surface each time.

Turning to Captain John Jenkins he said; the storm is getting worse Sir, should I radio our position to the Coastguard? The captain hesitated for a moment, but just as he was about to give his first mate an answer, a giant wave hit the ship on the port side. The force shook the ship from stem to stern. The impact caused the ship to take a 20 degree list. If the three men on the bridge had not reacted fast and held on, they could have suffered serious injuries if they had hit the starboard bulkhead.

Seamen Langer was holding on to the wheel for dear life. He let out a sigh of relief as the ship righted herself and he was able to take control again.

The captain shouted; steady as she goes Mr. Langer and he replied aye, aye, Sir.

Send that message to the coastguard Mr. Poole and make sure you give the names of our passengers’. After writing everything down on a piece of paper the first officer made his way to see Eddie the “Radioman.” This would not be an easy task, because he had to go outside to get to the communication’s cabin on the lower deck.

When Mr. Poole entered the room, he found the radioman on his knees praying out loud. Eddie, I need you to get control of yourself and do your job. Here, let me help you up. But when he bent down, another big wave hit the ship so hard that he had to hold onto the desk or he would have fallen and crushed poor little Eddie.

Come on get up, I need you to send this message right away. Eddie said, aye, aye, Sir, just tell me what you want me to say. I need you to contact the coastguard and give them the names of every crew member on board and also add these passengers to the list. David and Emily McMaster, Jonathan and Margaret Copeland and also include the young African boy Willie Samport.

When first officer Poole opened the cabin door, he turned to say something else to Eddie, but didn’t get to finish his sentence, because he was interrupted by another gigantic wave. Unable to keep his balance, he was literally thrown out the door and had to do some fancy foot work to stay on his feet.

With the ship heaving in different directions from the force of the big waves, it took David some time to get back to the bridge. When he did get back inside, the Captain said, don’t take off your coat, we’re taking on water. You’ll have to go back and tell Eddie to start sending out an SOS signal. Then I want you to go and tell our passengers that I will be giving the order to abandon ship if things get any worse.

Eight hours later

Passenger David McMaster wakes up all alone and confused on a beach. The last thing he remembered was holding his wife’s hand and telling her that everything was going to be okay, just before a big wave hit the ship. Full blown panic sets in as he gets to his feet and franticly searches the beach and the wooded area, but, there is no sign of his beloved Emily.

Because of the reflection of the sun on the white sand, David had to squint to see the full length of the beach. He got excited when he saw what looked like a person standing by a pile of driftwood near the water’s edge. They must have seen him as well, because they started waving their hands in the air. Not knowing, but hoping it was Emily, David started walking as fast as he could, but even with his long legs, it was difficult to achieve any speed in the thick sand.

He wasn’t sure, but he thought the other person must have recognized him first, because they lowered their arms and just stood there like a statue. When David got a little closer, he knew why the person stopped waving. It was Jonathan, and he could see by David’s expression that he was not happy to see him. Accepting his fate, the little man just fell to his knees and like a prisoner with his head on the chopping block, he awaited the inevitable axe to drop.

He didn’t have to wait long. Within a few seconds the big man was standing over him. Jonathan didn’t have to see David’s face again to know that he was out of control with rage. Even David’s voice was full of anger. In a flash, the big man had his hands around the little guy’s throat. Why did you talk us into coming to this God forsaken place? You killed my Emily and now you’re going to die.

As David’s grip got tighter on Jonathan’s throat, it made breathing and talking very difficult. I’m sorry David, but killing me won’t bring her back and if we are going to survive we’ll need to stick together. Through clenched teeth, David said, I would rather die a slow death all alone, than let you take one more breath. Just when Jonathan’s body started to go limp, a strange thing happened. From out of a clear blue sky came a bolt of lightning striking an iron bar that David was standing on. This caused the big man to fall forward onto Jonathan, knocking him out. When his full weight fell on the little man he too was rendered unconscious.

The two unconscious men stayed in the tangled mess for a long time and if Jonathan hadn’t woken up when he did, they would have died because the tide was coming in. Life is strange sometimes, just when you think things can’t get any worse, they do! The men weren’t lying in a very good spot and poor Jonathan was getting the short end of the stick. With his left leg curled up underneath him, he couldn’t move and when he felt the water lapping against his face, he really started to panic. There he was, lying under a three hundred pound unconscious man and the tide is coming in. Oh my, what to do!

As he looked around, Jonathan realized that his options were few. One option was to just wait a while, and he would be under a few feet of water and then the big heavy man on top of him would just float away. Well, that might not be such a great idea because he would have to hold his breath for about twenty minutes. So, plan “A” definitely wouldn’t work. But, try as he might he couldn’t come up with a plan “B.”

Jonathan had almost given up when he realized that he could move his right arm and that would allow him to dig in the sand around his good leg. The water would help by making the sand wet and even easier to move. He also found that by wiggling his hips and pushing sand from around his bottom, he could get his body free. With the help from the rising water around his back and shoulders, Jonathan was able to slide out from under the enormous weight.

David’s head was lying on his right arm which meant the water would take a little longer to reach his mouth and nose, but not a long time. Anyway, Jonathan had no intention of letting the big guy drown, even though he might still want to kill him when he wakes up.

Making his way to the tree line, he looked for anything that would help him move the beached whale that was very close to leaving this world. Picking up a long pole and some pieces of rope, he headed back to try to do the impossible; save the man who wants to kill him. Well, he did have help. He had the Lord and that was really all the help he needed.

When he returned, he saw that the water was getting deeper, which was good and bad news. The bad news was that David would soon drown. The good news was that Jonathan would have the waters help to flip the big man over. After tying three pieces of rope together, Jonathan put them under David’s back and up between both of his arms. The big body was now floating and it was a lot easier for Jonathan to swing him around and pull him towards the dry area of the beach.

It may have been only thirty or forty minutes of pulling that Jonathan endured, but it might just as well have been three or four hours. His arms were hurting so much; he felt like they were going to fall off.

To make matters worse, it was starting to get dark and Jonathan knew it was going to be a long night, but it would be even longer, if he couldn’t get David up to the tree line and under cover. It was obvious that Mr. Big and Tall would not last more than a few hours when the sun came up in the morning.

After drawing two lines in the sand close to David’s body, Jonathan watched them closely, because that would tell him when the tide had reached its highest mark. He got a little discouraged when it passed the first line, but he showed a little smile and gave a little “all right” out loud, when it stopped short of the second line.

As he laid there exhausted, Jonathan’s mind kept thinking of how he was going to get this massive frame another twenty feet. Although the sun had gone down, a bright full moon appeared in the night sky. This gave him enough light to see what he was doing. After walking along the tree line for five or ten minutes, he found a brightly painted sign; actually just half a sign, but it would do the trick. Now all he needed was a few logs to use as rollers. He kept looking and asking “God” for help. Then, just when he decided to give up and go back, there they were; two perfectly rounded logs. He looked up at the beautiful starry sky and said in a loud voice, “thank you Lord.” I know you are here with me and that’s all I need to know to keep me going.

Jonathan had worn himself out and couldn’t do any more. As he laid there on the cool sand and closed his eyes, sleep eluded him. Even though he was tired, sore, and hungry, he couldn’t stop thinking about his beautiful wife Margaret. He was remembering all the good times and none of the bad; like the time he had made her a promise that they would go walking hand in hand to meet their Maker. Now all that he was sure of is that when he got to Heaven, she would be waiting for him in their eternal home.

As tired as he was, Jonathan didn’t get much sleep, but it was enough. He sure was happy that he had placed the board and the two logs under David before he went to sleep. The first thing he noticed was that the water had receded and the massive body was lying on the damp sand.

Even though he was very hungry, Jonathan put the thought of food out of his mind. He knew he didn’t have much time before the sun would come beating down so hot, that it would quite literally “cook” the big man, like a piece of meat on a BBQ.

What Jonathan lacked in size and strength, he made up for in perseverance and compassion. He remembered seeing a movie about how the Egyptians could move stones weighing many tons by using this rolling method. But, what he forgot was that there were thousands of workers and he was all alone. His one big advantage was that he had the Lord helping him. He knew that faith could move mountains, so he figured with all the love he had inside of him, he shouldn’t have any problem moving a mere two or three hundred pound man.

Well, it worked! It took a little longer than he had anticipated, but he managed to get the big guy to the tree line, but, “he paid the price.” After the last push, he collapsed. It was all too much for him. With very little sleep, no food or water, it was just a matter of time, and time for Jonathan had run out.

A few hours later

Jonathan could feel the heat on his face and as he opened his eyes he couldn’t see anything because the sun was so bright and from its position he knew it would soon be high noon. The sweat was pouring down his face and he was fading in and out of consciousness. With a burst of energy, he sat upright and started taking off some of his clothes.

Although his belly was telling him he needed food, the rest of his body was crying out for something more important and that was water.

After crawling about twenty feet into the woods, there in front of him was a little brook. He made a dive and landed in the water. It was very shallow so he had to roll over and over to get completely wet. After drinking his fill, Jonathan remembered David lying in the hot sun so he stood up and frantically looked for something that would hold water. There was a plant nearby with big leaves so he broke one off, shaped it into a bowl and then filled it with as much water as it would hold. He hurried back and after giving David some water, “actually just putting it on his lips to keep them moist” his next task was to get some of the clothes off the big man, because if David woke up now, he would feel like he was in a pressure cooker.

Using his all purpose pocket knife, Jonathan cut away at the mountain of clothes. He tried not to destroy them completely, because he knew he might have to put them back on him later.

After building a makeshift lean-to out of some of the leaves from the big plant, Jonathan then went looking for some food for him and David.

Again “God” answered his prayers. He found plenty of mouth watering fruit. When he had eaten his fill, he gathered an armful to bring back to David. He knew the big guy couldn’t eat it know, but later on when he woke up, he would be as hungry as a horse.

Sitting there looking at David, a man who wanted him dead, Jonathan only felt love and compassion. Anyone other than a “Christian,” may not have had the same feelings about their “enemy.” But, with the love of God in his heart, Jonathan knew he had to love his enemies, as he loved himself.

Looking into David’s face, it was obvious to Jonathan that this man was not at peace. Could it be that he was fighting a battle in his mind against evil, while grieving over the loss of his wife? The little man had no way of knowing, but that was exactly what was going through the mind of the unconscious man.



David had no idea whether he was unconscious, dreaming or dead. He must have been so confused and at one point he even tried to wake himself up, but couldn’t, because his mind was in such a fog.

He could see bright lights all around him, and they were beckoning him to walk towards them. Everything started getting even more confusing, because when he would take a few steps in the direction of one light, he would suddenly turn and follow an even brighter one. After doing this for a little while, he got tired and just stopped and stood still, waiting for something or someone to tell him which way he should go.

Finally, David could see someone coming towards him, but the fog was so thick that he couldn’t make out who it was. As the figure got closer, he could see that it was a man in a white suit. Without saying a word, the man walked up and touched him on his forehead. When he did, David fell backwards and laid there floating in the air.

David’s mind was racing back over his life, sort of like playing a movie backwards, but things were going by so fast that he could only make out a few scenes. First it showed him at a business meeting and then standing on a sailboat. The next was one of him holding a “for sale” sign. After a few minutes, everything slowed down as the movie started playing forward. David could see himself standing in a room and talking to an elderly man. He recognized him right away; it was his Father. They were having a heated conversation about where he was going to finish his schooling.

I’m telling you for the last time; you’re going to a private college and that’s that. If I’m paying, you are going where I want you to go and you’ll study what I tell you to study, do you understand me young man? Oh! I understand you completely Sir. The problem is that you no longer run my life. I’m old enough to make my own decisions. His father looked at him and said, well then, you may as well get a job right away so you can pay for your own education. It will be my way or the highway young man, so if you leave this house today, you’ll be giving up everything, including your inheritance.

After sitting there listening to her men arguing, David’s Mother finally stood up and walked between them saying, both of you need to think this over. I’m sure you don’t want to spend the rest of your lives paying for your hasty decisions today.

David just looked at his Mother and Father, shock his head, and walked out of the room.

Well, I guess your son has made his choice Lily, and he will have to live with it. Maybe he won’t be the only one Arthur; you’ll have to live with the choices you make today as well.

David, can I talk to you his Mom said as she pushed open his bedroom door and walked in? Not waiting for him to answer, she continued talking as she sat down on his bed. Mom, I’ve made up my mind. I can’t live like this anymore. I’m not Dad and I don’t want to be him. I want to make my own way in life and if I make mistakes, then so be it.

Son, I’ve got something to tell you. I guess your Father and I have been putting it off for a while. Your Dad has cancer and he only has maybe six months to live, maybe less, the doctors don’t know. He just wants what is best for you. He pushes you hard because he knows he won’t be around to watch you become successful, marry and have a family. Thanks for telling me, but I can’t stay Mom. I’ll just go away for a little while and then I’ll come back and maybe by then things will have changed around here.

Please Son, don’t go. I feel in my heart that the next time I see you will be at your Father’s funeral.

She grabbed the bag as David was lifting it off the bed. He put his hand over hers and squeezed it firmly, he didn’t say anything. His Mom just let go of the bag and bowed her head. She didn’t look up as her only son walked out of the room, and sadly, out of her life.

Maybe David didn’t realize it at the time, but he was breaking his Mother’s heart. He would soon find out that saying you’re sorry, doesn’t always make things right.

Staying with relatives

Uncle John took David aside and said, you’ve been here a few months and September is coming, what do you want to do with your life? Will it be university or will you be joining me at “New World Accounting Inc.?”

I think I’ll go to college. I’m not sure what I want to study, but I’m leaning towards a PHD in business. Whatever you decide, you know your Aunt Doreen and I will support you in any way we can. I know you can’t afford to go to college, but if you let us, we would be honored to pay the shot.

Maybe you can pay us back “out of your first million!” Sometime after “LABOUR DAY” 1960

Good morning David Aunt Doreen said, with a sheepish look on her face. He nodded and sat down at the table across from his uncle who was reading the paper. Every once in awhile, he would lower the paper and give his nephew a silly grin.

David finally said, Okay you two, what’s up?

Like a little kid Aunt Doreen clapped her hands and said, just go look out the front window.

David got up and walked over and opened the curtain. His mouth dropped open. He couldn’t believe his eyes. There in the driveway was a brand new fire engine red corvette.

Uncle John was now standing at the front door dangling a set of keys saying, if you’re too excited, maybe I should take her for a spin around the block and break her in for you.

I don’t think that will be necessary, I think I can handle this baby all by myself.

He gave them a big hug and grabbed the keys. His Aunt said; what about breakfast? He didn’t hear her and if he did he was in such a trance that no words would come out even if he had tried to speak.

A few days later

David had mixed feelings about going to a community college, because one of the perks of being born into money is that you get to attend private schools.

Although David didn’t admit it even to himself, he did have issues with being around common people or as his Father would call them “The Other Class.” I guess he just didn’t know any better, but it wouldn’t take long before “Mr. Prejudice” would show up.

David shook his head when he entered the administration building and saw a huge line in front of him. One of his problems (and he had many), was his lack of patience with people and procedures, so today would be a big test for him, because he was never taught to wait in line or to wait his turn. When you’re rich, you don’t have to do either, the line always forms behind you.

Standing there, looking a little confused and a lot out of place; it was obvious to most or at least the ones who took notice that this guy looked like a fish out of water.

After about twenty minutes of staring at the line, which to David hadn’t moved two feet, he was joined by two well dressed guys that looked as out of place as he did.

One of them said out loud “where is the bell boy?” I want to speak to the manager of the two-bit hotel. Don’t they know who I am? His friend just laughed.

The guy standing next to David put out his hand and said hi, I’m Anthony Fairchild and this is my cousin Raymond Bolderman. His Dad is in the steel business, mine is in oil.

Hello, it’s nice to meet you guys. I’m David McMaster the third. My Dad’s into making money and my Mom and I are into spending it.

Well, do we have to get into that non-moving line over there or should we come back tomorrow and try again. That won’t be necessary boys, just watch this! Raymond walked over to the administration desk and whispered something to the elderly woman who disappeared into an office, but not before she flashed Raymond a big smile.

In less than a minute, she was back and said to Raymond, Mr. Lincoln the administrator will be right with you.

When he got back to his buddies he was smiling and both David and Anthony asked him at the same time – “what did you say to that woman?” I just said my father is R.M. Bolderman and he wants to make a very large cash donation to this university, so I need to know to whom he should make the check payable to.

Did you see the look on the faces of those kids in that line when the administrator carried our bags into the office?

All three rich boys smiled as they stood in front of the oldest, but clearly the stateliest house on campus. Good old Anthony just had to make a comment, “it’s not much, but it will do.”

Of course Raymond had to put in his two cents worth. I think we need a sign on the front door that says;

This front entrance is reserved for the “RICH”
All others will use the back door

It didn’t take long for the word to get out that the rich kids had lowered their standards and decided to mingle with the peasants. In no time at all they were known as “The three.” They excelled in everything, academics, sports, and of course socially.

The girls loved them and the boys hated them. Well, not all girls swooned or melted when “The Three” came near. I guess some people are not that impressed with money. Of course most rich people can’t understand that, they think that money can buy anything, especially people.

Emily had her head turned talking to a classmate when she rounded a corner and bumped into “The Three” well actually only David.

She just stood there saying; I’m so sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going. She didn’t make eye contact as she stooped down to pick up all her stuff that was now covering a large area of the floor.

David started to bend down to help her when Raymond grabbed his arm and said “let’s go,” we don’t want to be late for practice. Anthony got on the other side of him and together the three walked all over Emily’s things. David didn’t notice but his shoe just missed stepping on Emily’s tiny little hand.

Out of the small crowd that had gathered, Emily heard a soft voice say hi; my name is Margaret, let me give you a hand with that stuff. Those guys can be such jerks. They think they own the world. Then she smiled and said, I guess their father’s own most of it and sad to say they’ll inherit it someday. God help us all.

Hi, I’m Emily, nice to meet you. Is this your first year Margaret asked? Yes! I wanted to come last year but my family couldn’t…. she was going to say “afford it” but she felt a little ashamed. Well this is my second year and I still have to work part time just to be here. You do what you have to do and then our Lord will do the rest. Are you a Christian Emily? No, but I believe there is a God, but I don’t believe he ever visited my little one horse town. It’s called “Mainstay” and it’s in South Carolina. All the kids there call it “Misery.” I think the population is only about six hundred. There are more kids on this campus than there are people and pets in our entire county.

A few days later, Emily was walking close to the scene of the accident, when who should appear but Mr. Rich kid himself, without his faithful companions.

David stopped and just stood there staring at her, without saying a word. After a few awkward moments, he managed to say, I’m sorry about the other day, I wanted to help you, but I was late for practice. That’s okay Emily said, without looking at him.

Can I make it up to you? How about coming to our frat house after the game on Saturday? I’m sure you’ll have a good time.

Maybe, was all Emily could say as she brushed by David and caught up to her friends.

The Party

Ray came over to David and said, come on guy, the ladies are waiting. You’ve been staring at that front door all night. Who are you expecting anyway? Nobody, David said, as he walked toward the living room. He could hear the music getting louder as he looked over his shoulder one last time.

A Chance Meeting

Sitting on the grass, just thinking about home, Emily was interrupted by a sweet familiar voice saying; “may we join you?” She looked up and saw Margaret, the girl who had helped her pick up all her stuff after her run in with David. For the first time, Emily asked herself, why didn’t any of the other kids help me that day? She lost her thought when Margaret stopped right in front of her and said; “this is my friend Jonathan.” He’s in my Bible class.

Hi, nice to meet you; I’m Emily. Are you taking a Bible study course? Oh no, it’s just a group of Christians who get together a few times a week to read from the Bible, sing hymns and praise the Lord.

Emily and Margaret were just having small talk when they were interrupted by David who was talking very fast, like he didn’t have time to sit down and chat. Emily knew the reason why when she looked passed David’s leg and saw his two friends making jesters and waving their hands for him to come back, so they could be on their way.

I waited for you on Saturday. Did something come up or what? Emily didn’t look up at him, she just said; I didn’t feel like going to a party with a lot of strangers. I was sure I wouldn’t fit in with your high class friends.

David looked down at her and said fine; “have it your way.” As he walked away, he felt sorry for her, but he knew in his heart that they came from two different worlds. He thought about what his Father would say, “My son, you know she’s from the wrong side of the tracks.”

The more David thought about Emily, the more he wanted to be with her. He thought it must be true what they say, “You always want what you can’t have.”

A few days before Christmas break, David got a call from his Mom. She said, your father’s not well and he could go at anytime. After a long pause, David said, I promised Uncle John and Aunt Doreen that I would spend the holidays with them. I was hoping to see you Son, I miss you so much; so can you please come home for a little while.

I’ll think about it Mom, but I have got to go right now. You take care of yourself. Yes I know Mom and I love you to.

A few days later, David got another call, this time from his Uncle. He wasn’t home and his roommate Tony took a message. When David got in later that night, he found a note on his bedroom door. Your Uncle called and said your Dad died.

David didn’t cry, although he wanted to. He couldn’t get it out of his head how his Dad always treated him like a ten year old kid, a little boy who couldn’t stand on his own two feet, but David showed him who the boss was and that he didn’t need him to make his way in this world. Of course all he really did was just go from one rich family to another richer family, and to David’s liking, this one was more accommodating.

David knew that all the family and his Dad’s friends would be at the funeral, but he still felt obligated to be there as well. He shook his head thinking; “there goes my plans for a great holiday.” After a few days he was still fighting with his thoughts about going home, especially when he remembered his Mother’s words, “I know I won’t see you again until you’re Father’s funeral.”

In two days David was on a plane heading home and he made it to the funeral home just as people were arriving. He contemplated over and over about going in, but all he did was just sit there brooding in his luxury rental car. As he sat there all alone, he didn’t realize that he was crying until some tears hit his clinched hands. It startled him and he brushed his eyes with his sleeve as he put the car in drive and headed back to the airport.

Over the next year, David realized he had changed but he couldn’t understand why. Thankfully his Father never took him out of his will and consequently poor David was left a small fortune. But, for some reason, the money didn’t make him happy. Maybe it was never about the money. Maybe in the back of his mind he did believe in the Lord and that there was more to life then he knew.

Ray and Tony came into David’s room and said, hey buddy we’re a little worried about you! You haven’t been yourself lately and we want to know what’s going on? We want our old friend back, so we can be “The Three” again. Sorry guys, I know I haven’t been much fun lately, as a matter of fact I‘ve been thinking about leaving university, doing some traveling, maybe even going to Europe.

You guys don’t need me to have a good time, I’m sure you’ll get a new “nickname” right away; maybe the deadly duo or Mutt and Jeff. They both gave him a little shove and walked out of his room laughing.

David hadn’t seen Emily around for a while, but one day he got a glimpse of her with two of her friends in the line at the cafeteria. He remembered that they were the friends that were with her that day on the lawn.

After he finished eating, he walked over to the table where Emily was in a serious conversation with her friends. He had to clear his throat a few times to get her attention. Oh hi, sorry, we were discussing something about the Bible. I didn’t see you standing there.

These are my friends, Margaret and Jonathan and this is David. Margaret said hi and Jonathan just nodded. Did you want something David and for the first time, she was looking him in the eyes? Oh, I was just wondering if you would like to go out for something to eat later and then maybe go off campus for a drink.

Emily looked at her two friends who just shrugged their shoulders. I guess that would be okay. Great, I’ll pick you up at seven.

Of course all the girls in the dorm were watching when David drove up in his corvette. One girl was leaning out a second floor window swooning and another girl gave a little yell, when David looked over his shoulder and gave a wave toward the building.

There wasn’t much conversation between him and Emily during dinner. The restaurant was very classy and Emily wished she had known where she was going so she could have worn a nicer dress. Then she thought that if she was wearing fancy dining clothes, she wouldn’t fit in at the pub.

After some dessert they walked out to the parking lot and without looking up Emily said, thank you, that was a great dinner. David opened the car door and then gave a little bow, as he motioned with his hand for her to climb into her waiting chariot.

The pub was totally different from the restaurant, very loud and crowded and it was only nine o’clock. Most of the people were drunk or on their way. After about an hour it was obvious to David that Emily was not having a good time. He asked her if she would like to leave or did she want another drink. Well, I’m not much of a drinker, so yes, I would like to go home please. Anyway I have a report that is way overdue and I also need to study for an upcoming exam.

When they got outside, they could see a small crowd had gathered at the corner. Someone shouted “hey there’s a fight, let’s go watch.”

As David pulled away from the curb, Emily shouted, that’s my friend Margaret, stop the car, we need to see if she’s okay. David grabbed her arm and said; “don’t get out” it’s not our problem. In one quick move she pulled her arm away saying, maybe it’s not your problem, but she’s a friend of mine and if she needs me, I’ll be there. The car was still moving, but that didn’t stop Emily, she just opened her door and was about to jump out, when David slammed on the brakes and she hit her head on the windshield. After giving David a dirty look, she got out slamming the door very hard.

While running towards her friend, Emily looked back just in time to see the taillights of the red corvette, as it squealed out of sight. Walking up to Margaret she put her arms around her and asked what was going on. Crying, Margaret said, we were outside the pub giving out Bibles and telling everyone that “the Lord is the way.” We weren’t hurting anyone, and if they refused a free Bible, we just told them to have a good evening.

Jonathan was talking to me and he didn’t see the two drunken guys coming up behind him. One grabbed his arm and held him while the other drunk said; we don’t want you “Bible Thumpers” hanging around here. Then he knocked the books out of Jonathan’s hands and hit him really hard in the stomach. The other guy said, it’s my turn, you hold him. I want to get a few shots in.

When the one drunk let go of Jonathan’s arm, he fell to the ground, but the other guy picked him up and still laughing said to his friend, give him a couple of good kicks to his head, that should knock the “Good Lord” out of him.

Margaret kept saying through her tears. I was yelling for someone to stop these guy’s before they killed Jonathan, but no one would help. An old man came out of the crowd and looked at him just lying there on the ground. He bent down and said something and then asked for someone to call an ambulance. He said “this young man” needs to see a doctor right away.

After about ten minutes, the police arrived and the big crowd disappeared quickly. The only ones left hanging around were Margaret and Emily and the old man who was still kneeling beside Jonathan’s lifeless body.

Shortly after the police got there, the night air was filled with the sound of an ambulance. One of the police officers met the ambulance crew. “There was a fight” he said as he pointed to the body lying next to the old man. Then he said; this kid got the worst of it and the guy he was fighting with was long gone by the time we got here.

Later at the hospital

Margaret looked at her watch a few times and then told Emily that she should go home. It’s after midnight and it could be hours before they would know if he’s going to be alright. Forget it, I’m not going anywhere, that’s what friends are for, and then she gave Margaret a big hug.

Emily was awake when the Doctor arrived. She quickly woke Margaret saying, the Doctor’s here and he wants to talk to you. Sorry, I must have dozed off for a minute. After rubbing her eyes, she asked the doctor if Jonathan was okay. He has a mild concussion but he should be fine in a few days. He’s also got two big shiners that will probably take some time to heal.

You kids are from the university, right? Well, you can take him back this afternoon. I’ll give him something for the pain if he needs it. You can put a steak on each eye; they say that keeps the swelling down. Personally, I think it will be better if he just eats the steak, and gets some rest, but that’s up to you guys.

Apology Time

David kept calling and leaving notes for Emily, but she never got back to him. She just kept to herself most of the time, and the few times that she did go out; it was with her Christian friends.

Emily seemed to be getting along fine without David in her life, and if she did miss him, she didn’t show it. It was a different story for David. He didn’t like to admit it, but he was in love with her, not just an infatuation, oh no, this was a heart wrenching, cannot live without her kind of love.

Although he stopped calling her every day, it didn’t mean that he was getting over her. He thought that if he just stopped trying to contact her, time would heal everything, wrong again!

One day, outside the gym, David saw Emily talking to a guy. They were laughing and smiling at each other. He stood back and watched for a few minutes and when he couldn’t handle it any longer, he went up to her and said “I need to talk to you, now!” As he made a grab for her arm, the guy with her stood in between them and said “the lady doesn’t want to talk to you” so go away. The guy was very short, and David outweighed him by about fifty pounds.

Its okay Ron, thanks for your help, but I can handle this. Grabbing David’s arm Emily said; come in here we need to talk. As soon as they got inside the gym, Emily looked at him and said; you don’t own me and you have no say in how I should live. I don’t think we have anything else to say to each other. I need to get on with my life and you need to get on with yours.

David took her hand and without looking at her and in a very low voice said, “I’m sorry.” I know that words won’t change things, but I just need to tell you how I feel about you, and if you don’t feel anything in your heart for me, then I will leave you alone. I don’t know how I can feel so much love for you when we’ve never even kissed or held hands. I just know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So please think about what I’m saying. If you want to see me, you know where to find me. If I don’t hear from you by the weekend, then I’ll know that you don’t want me in your life.

He waited, but the call never came, so after a few weeks, he made plans to leave university and do some traveling. Someone told Emily he had left, but they didn’t know where he had gone.

The thought that David was no longer around, made Emily feel empty. In her heart, she knew she had made a mistake. She realized that she should have told him how she felt, and know it was too late.

*To Be Continued

ATTENTION: Please continue to return to this program “FICTION” for updates to this novel “SHIPWRECK”. You can also purchase a copy on Amazon.

Author J. Alexander