THE ANNIVERSARY - SCRIPT ATTENTION: Author J. Alexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films. He has also provided the first 8 to 20 pages of each project for your review. For more information, please contact J. Alexander:

Note: Author JAlexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films.
For more information, please contact: JAlexander
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ATTENTION: The author JAlexander has provided the first 4 to 6 pages of the script for you to review. If you wish to read the rest of the script, please fill out the form provided.
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Mississauga ON Canada
This story is about a woman who was alone, but never lonely. Everything happened so fast and within two days, the love of Cindy’s life was gone when God called him home to be with their son Jimmy. Although both Ronnie’s and her family were there for her, Cindy felt totally alone until the day her son Eddy arrived home from Iraq.
IT’S AROUND 6 O’CLOCK and Ronnie and Cindy Langer are getting ready to go out and celebrate their 22nd Wedding Anniversary. Of course, like every year on this special occasion Ronnie is ready to go, but Cindy is taking her time. Ronnie, being a typical male, with non-existing patience, is starting to get on Cindy’s nerves.
Ronnie (V.O.)
“Hurry up honey, the limo will be here in twenty minutes and they charge extra if we make them wait!”
CINDY STUCK her head out of the bathroom door and hollered,
Cindy (V.O.)
“What are you going to do if it takes me another hour? Maybe you’re planning on going without me?”
RONNIE JUST shook his head and said out loud;
Ronnie (V.O.)
“It’s the same every year.”
THEN HE heard Cindy’s voice again,
Cindy (V.O.)
“I’m listening sweetheart; what did you say?”
WITH A LITTLE smile Ronnie hollered back,
Ronnie (V.O.)
“I said, I can’t wait to have a beer!”
THIS TIME CINDY came out of the bathroom, and with her hands on her hips; she gave Ronnie a look that made his blood run cold. As he backed out of the bedroom, he smiled and as he walked downstairs, he said,
Ronnie (V.O.)
“Don’t worry honey, I will wait downstairs and you take as much time as you need.”
RONNIE STARTED TO panic a little when he glanced at his watch and realized that the limo would be there in a few minutes. His first idea was to yell at Cindy and tell her it was time for them to be ready, but then he decided to go upstairs and see what she was doing. He saw his dear wife Cindy in the doorway of their bedroom. She was holding two pictures in her shaking hands and he could instantly feel her pain. She didn’t look up as Ronnie walked over and stood beside her, placing his hand on her shoulder he said,
Ronnie (V.O.)
“You’re a great wife and Mother and I thank God every day for sending you to me. Sweetheart, we will never know why God takes one child home and leaves the other one in this world. “You certainly cannot blame yourself for the car accident that took our son Jimmy, but left Eddy without a scratch.” It’s been five years and all of us need to move on. We also need to reach out to the son we still have. We are his parents and we can feel the pain he is going through. He has told us many times that it should have been him and not his brother who should have died that day. We certainly are aware that our dear Eddy joined the army, putting himself in harm’s way, so that God could take him home and he and Jimmy could be together once again.” Reaching down and taking the pictures from Cindy’s trembling hands, Ronnie placed them on the night table. Ronnie held her hand as he walked her back to the bathroom. With a big smile and laughing out loud, he said,
Ronnie (V.O.)
Don’t worry about the cost of this night Honey, I’ll take just take out a second mortgage to pay for this year’s anniversary celebration.
CINDY WALKED into the bathroom saying,
Cindy (V.O.)
Please, just give me a moment to freshen up and I’ll be okay. Before you go, I need to tell you that lately I’ve been mad God and blaming Him for taking our son. “Now you go down and tell that Limo driver, if he gives you a hard time, he’ll have to answer to me!”
AFTER A WONDERFUL night of celebrating, Cindy and Ronnie are laying in bed, ready to turn out the lights, when Cindy says,
Cindy (V.O.)
“Wow, can you just believe that it’s one o’clock in the morning and that stupid alarm clock will be ringing in a few hours! I don’t want to look all frazzled when we get to Church. You know, how some people love to talk!”
CINDY IS sitting at the breakfast table when Ronnie comes into the kitchen. As he bends down to kiss her, she says;
Cindy (V.O.)
“Good morning sleepy head. I noticed how you are moving a little slowly these days; are you feeling okay? Actually, Ronnie, you are looking a little pale right now! Do you want to call in sick?”
Ronnie (V.O.)
“Oh no, I’ll be okay! It’s probably something that I ate yesterday, no need to fuss.”
AFTER RONNIE LEFT for work, Cindy had a feeling that something was wrong, so after she cleaned up the kitchen, she decided to go for a little walk and have a little talk with God. Maybe; He would be able to reassure her that everything was going to be…