THE SWING ON THE OLD OAK TREE #0013 ATTENTION: Author J. Alexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films. He has also provided the first 8 to 20 pages of each project for your review. For more information, please contact J. Alexander:

When I was only four, my Daddy built me a Swing
And the first time that I sat on it, it was the greatest Thing
And if someone would ask me, what I’d like to Do
I’d jump and shout and say, I’d like to swing with You
As I grew into a man, and winter turned to Spring
I’d sit for hours beneath that tree, and play my guitar and Sing
Then came the day you moved into, that big white house next Door
You looked at me with a beautiful smile, and I was yours for Evermore
And every day after school, when my chores were Through
I couldn’t wait to see that swing, the big oak tree and You
We’d swing and talk for hours, until the day turned into Night
Then you’d take my hand and kiss my cheek, and we’d hold each other Tight
Today they rang those wedding bells, for all the world to Hear
You looked at me and said I do, and our future was so Clear
Then one day you told me, a father I would Be
I said I’ll go and make a swing, upon that old oak Tree
Now many years have gone by, and I’m here all Alone
The Lord took the one I love, up to His Heavenly Home
I’m ready dear to join you, and hear those Angels Sing
Please meet me at those Golden Gates, and on them we will Swing
“THE BIBLE POET” – JAlexander
“” Copywritten