The Wrong Prescription ATTENTION: Author J. Alexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films. He has also provided the first 8 to 20 pages of each project for your review. For more information, please contact J. Alexander:

ATTENTION: Author JAlexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films.
For more information, please contact:
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Note: This story is just one of seventeen taken from a novel by JAlexander called “SHIPWRECK”
“Hey! Wake up, are you okay Mister?”
David rubbed and then opened and closed his eyes a few times, trying to get his bearings. Again, he heard a voice insisting, “Come on, I’ll give you a hand; try to sit up.” Try as he may, David couldn’t sit up. The stranger suggested, “Why don’t you let go of your burdens; you can put them back on later.”
When he followed the man’s suggestion, he was able to get to his knees, and then finally to his feet.
“Are you a Doctor?”
“Well I used to be called Doctor Henry Stewart, but that was a long, long time ago; now people just call me Doc.!”
David noticed that the stranger’s burdens were “Anger” and “Bargaining!”
He questioned, “I’ve never seen those signs before; please tell me about them?”
“You see Sir, frustration gives way to “Anger” which is a way of releasing bottled-up tension and laying unwarranted blame on others.
“Bargaining” however, is the opposite of ‘Anger’. With “Bargaining” we question our faith by saying, “Why me” or “It’s not my fault!”
The stranger elaborated, “We may also try bargaining our way out of our despair by saying things like, “If you get me out of this mess Lord, I’ll never disappoint you again, I promise.”
Doc. got a little choked up as he explained to David that every time, he arrived at a check point, he could drop off his burden “Anger” but he couldn’t shake “Bargaining”. “And because these burdens went together, the guards would make me go back to the start and travel the long lonesome highway again!”
“Another reason why I got turned away was because I was still addicted to pain killers. I’m ashamed to say it, but that’s what got me on this road called “Grief” in the first place!”
“Many years ago, I had a thriving practice. I had my own office and worked three nights at a clinic, plus on call at the local hospital.
Although I was burning the candle at both ends, it didn’t have any effect on me, or at least that’s what I thought. I guess, because I was young, I figured I didn’t need a lot of rest. I planned to do these hours for a few years and then retire early. I dreamed of taking my precious Julia on a trip around the world!”
“Unfortunately, things don’t always work out the way we plan. I started to burn out, but not all at once. You see, I had a little helper called “Mr. Prescription Drugs.” I was a Doctor, so, I knew what could happen if you abuse drugs. I thought I could handle a few uppers, when I felt like taking a little rest, and then I would just stop taking them whenever I wanted to.
Well, the pressure didn’t ease at all; as a matter of fact, it got worse, and my addiction was getting out of control. I couldn’t even see that my habit was destroying my relationship with my beautiful wife, the one person I had promised God, “I would never hurt!”
“It is said that if you can’t beat them, join them, and that is exactly what my wife Julia did! I didn’t realize she was hooked until one night I arrived home very late. It was our wedding anniversary and I had promised to be home for dinner. I completely forgot until I entered the dining room and the table was set for the two of us. I could see that the candles had been lit and had almost burned down to their holders. She must have sat there for hours just waiting for her man to come home.
Sitting next to one of the place settings was a little box; I guess that was her present to me (I still have it, but I never opened it). I walked into the living room expecting to see her asleep on the couch, but she wasn’t there. I went upstairs without making any noise and walked into our bedroom. The only light that was on was a small lamp next to my side of the bed. I got undressed as quiet as I could, then I just kissed her on the head and decided that I would apologize to her in the morning.”
Uninterrupted, Doc went on; “I didn’t sleep well that night; having nightmares and waking up in cold sweats. I slept in the next morning and to my surprise so did Julia. I gave her a nudge and said, “wake up sleepy head!”
But when she didn’t respond; I just cuddled into her back and tried to tickle her; but still no response! I got a little worried, so, I turned her over and then I let out loud cry. ‘Oh my God, please wake up Julia!’ I tried to give her CPR; but I knew she was gone. I just didn’t want to admit it to myself.”
“I sat there holding her in my arms, just looking at her. I thought of all the things I gave her to make her happy. But when I looked on her bedside table, I could see that all I gave her was a broken heart and my addiction to prescription drugs.”
“I didn’t touch anything in the room; I just called the police and waited for them downstairs. The rest, as they say, is history. I lost my license to practice medicine; but that was nothing compared to losing my beautiful wife. Then things went from bad to worse and one day after hitting rock bottom, I ended up on this road called “Grief”.
Over the years I’ve been able to shake some of my burdens, but I continue to question God. I need to stop saying, “Why me Lord?” But knowing what you have to do, and doing it, is two different things. Instead of asking God to bring her back, I need to forgive myself and move on; but that too, is easier said than done.
The stranger looked at David and said, “I see you’re having problems with the twin burdens.
Have you had them for a long time?”
David shook his head “No! Actually, I just got them today, but I don’t think I can make it to the next checkpoint, because they won’t listen to me.”
“Well, I’ll tell you what I’m going to do.”
Reaching into his pocket, Doc took out a little tin box. It took a few minutes because his hands were shaking. When he finally managed to get it the tin open, he handed David a little blue pill. “What’s this?” David asked, but didn’t wait for an answer. He tried to give the pill back, but Doc quickly pulled his hand away, and with his other hand he closed David’s hand around the tiny pill.
“Listen to me my friend; it will come in handy in an emergency. And besides, it’s really harmless, just something to get you started, when you’re down and out and need a little boost!”
Without waiting for David to respond, Doc said; “I need to get going, so, I’ll wish you all the best. I hope all your burdens are behind you, and your future is as bright as the sun!”
As David watched Doc disappear out of sight, he looked down at the small pill, saying to himself, “Maybe I should throw it away, so, I won’t be tempted to take it.” Then he thought,
“Well I guess it won’t hurt to keep it for a while, I can always get rid of it later!”
John 15:5 – Apart from me, you can do nothing!
By JAlexander