Thou Shall Not Kill ATTENTION: Author J. Alexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films. He has also provided the first 8 to 20 pages of each project for your review. For more information, please contact J. Alexander:

Note: Author JAlexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films.
For more information, please contact: JAlexander
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ATTENTION: The author JAlexander has provided the first 4 to 6 pages of the script for you to review. If you wish to read the rest of the script, please fill out the form provided.
Script Request form:
Mississauga ON Canada
This story is about a person called Mike. He’s an alcoholic and a poor excuse for a man. He didn’t deserve to have a wife, let alone two beautiful children. In a drunken stupor, he takes the lives of three innocent people. Because of his actions, he’ll do time in prison, but his life sentence (guilt) will last forever.
THE OPENING SCENE SHOWS a man named David McMasters who is doing interviews with people about anger, decides to take a break and goes to see a move about anger.
STANDING WAY BACK, David shook his head as he read the words on the theater billboard:
DAVID WAS LATE getting into the theater, but it worked out okay, because he had a front row seat. The scene opened with a spotlight illuminating a Christmas tree in one corner and a family of four sitting in a room. One was a man called Mike, sitting in a Lazy-Boy chair; a woman Helen and two children sitting on a couch. The children were crying and trying to get up, but their mother kept pulling them down!
IT WAS EASY TO SEE that the man was drunk and didn’t care that it was Christmas. The reason the children were crying was because there weren’t any presents under the tree. Helen spoke in a soft voice saying;
Helen (V.O.)
“My parents have invited us to go to their house again this year. Mom called and said they bought presents for the boys. You know it doesn’t matter to me Mike, but the kids need to have a Christmas!”
IN A DRUNKEN slurred speech Mike says,
Mike (V.O.)
“You can all go to … for all I care. I can’t stand those old meddling rejects you call parents. Here’s what I think of Christmas!”
MIKE GRABBED THE tree and threw it across the room. He Look at his scared and visibly shaken family and demanded,
Mike (V.O.)
“Woman, get me another drink, now!”
STUMBLING BACK TO his chair, Mike tripped over the coffee table and landed hard and hit his head on the side of an old wooden rocking chair. The black and white television that had been sitting on the small table fell on top of him. What a pathetic sight for his family to see, the head of the house lying in a drunken stupor with blood oozing from the nasty cut on the side of his head.
HELEN AND THE boys just sat quietly hoping the drunk was out for the count. After about ten minutes, Helen got her wish when she heard him snoring.
HOLDING HER TWO little ones close Helen said,
Helen (V.O.)
“We’re going to Grandma’s house tomorrow, I promise. So, I want you to go to bed and have nice dreams about all the presents you’ll get from Santa Claus. I told him to put them under Grandma’s tree.”
THE NEXT MORNING Mr. Drunk was totally different! He was nursing a giant hangover, a black eye, and a cut on his forehead that looked like it needed a few stitches. He looked and sounded out of character as he apologized to Helen promising things like …
Mike (V.O.)
“I’m never going to drink again, and I’ll turn my life around. I know I hurt you and the kids, but after the holidays you’re going to see a new man!”
CALLING OUT TO his kids he said,
Mike (V.O.)
“Come here, I want to see my boys!”
THE TWO YOUNG ones approached their father cautiously. He tried to show them that he was a new man, and then he tickled each one in turn. When they didn’t laugh, he gave his wife that old angry look, and then pushed the two frightened children toward their mother and said,
Mike (V.O.)
“Get them dressed and I’ll drive you to the old folk’s home!”
MAKING DITTO MARKS with both of his hands, Mike said,
Mike (V.O.)
“Sorry, I mean Grandma’s House!”
THE KIDS TOOK ONLY a few minutes to get dressed. They looked happy as they stood by the door waiting patiently for their drive. Most of all they were excited about going to a place where they would be loved and made to feel safe.
HELEN CALLED out to Mike,
Helen (V.O.)
“We’re ready, can we go now?”
Mike (V.O.)
“We’ll go when I finish my drink. I need it to clear my head so I can drive. Why don’t you just sit down and get off my back!”
IN A VERY shaky voice Helen responded,
Helen (V.O.)
“Honey, I can drive if you want to relax!”
Mike (V.O.)
“Don’t make me laugh; you know very well that nobody drives my car but me!”
MIKE FINALLY exited the house and then made a motion for Helen and the kids to get into the car. He was staggering and swearing out loud as he slipped on some ice and lost his balance. Hanging onto the side of the car, he managed to climb into the driver’s seat, but let out a string of curse words when his bottle of rum fell on the floor. Giving Helen a dirty look like it was her fault; Mike slid out of the car and dropped to his knees. As he felt around the floor for his precious bottle, Helen thought how silly he looked as he smiled and kissed his liquid friend. Getting back in the car he said,
Mike (V.O.)
“Here woman, hold my bottle and don’t you dare drop it!”
HELEN TRIED TO MAKE small talk as she watched Mike start the car and then waited for it to warm up. She tried to put the bottle on the floor, hoping it would be out of sight and out of mind, but he grabbed her arm saying,
Mike (V.O.)
“Nice try woman, now take that cap off and hand me my bottle!”
PUTTING THE BOTTLE of rum between his legs, Mike just sat there waiting for his mind and body to communicate enough for him to put the car in gear and press on the gas pedal.
THE ROAD WAS CLEAR, but Mike was driving like he was in a snowstorm. First, he would speed up, and then he would slow down, almost to a crawl. This was annoying other drivers, so they started honking their…