WE SERVE AN AWESOME GOD #0040 ATTENTION: Author J. Alexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films. He has also provided the first 8 to 20 pages of each project for your review. For more information, please contact J. Alexander:

Poem #0040
It grieves our Lord, when we don’t believe who He is
They say it’s just a made-up story, there’s no truth in what He says
But if you believe God sent His Son, to free us from our sins
Then you’ll be going to Heaven, first prize you will win
Every word that’s written in the Bible, was said with us in mind
God wants us to know the truth, so none will be left behind
But he gives us a choice, of what kind of life to live
So, don’t look back just look ahead, and seek the ways to give
We ask you Lord, to help us to be thankful
You said that’s easy, just live a life that’s tranquil
Don’t spend your time with hypocrites, or those who envy
Just keep walking in love, and He will always be with thee
You are an awesome God, and that goes without saying
That’s why I’ll give You thanks and praise, whenever I’m praying
When I gave my love to Jesus, I knew that it would blossom
I’m eager to spend eternity, with a God who is so Awesome
“THE BIBLE POET” – JAlexander
“tclcollection.com” tclc@rogers.com Copywritten