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Whisper ATTENTION: Author JAlexander is putting together a team of film professionals to promote and successfully turn his over 30 novels and short stories into films. He has also provided the first 8 to 20 pages of each project for your review. For more information, please contact J. Alexander:


Book 1
The Armor Of God
By J. Alexander

A Three Volume Series
The Armor Of God
The statues Of Greymore Castle
The Three Headed Beast

The Barron’s Estate (the Village)
From 1870’s to the 1960’s, the area of land between the town of Alexander and the fertile farmlands was called the Barron’s estate where the rich, but definitely not the famous lived.
Many Lords and Squires left England and Europe (with their wealth) to seek even more riches in the New World.
Of course, they had no intentions of roughing it, so they brought all the comforts of their privileged lifestyle with them.
Of course, they needed a place to show off their status and create a place that showed anyone who ventured close that they controlled everything and everyone within hundreds of miles in every direction.
So, they built mansions, lots of mansions that could rival those magnificent homes of any country in the world.
One of the most luxurious was “Greymore Castle” a place we will explore in volume 2 of the series called “The Statues of Greymore Castle.”
These mansions weren’t just two floor houses built next door to each other on a quiet street in the suburbs. Oh no, these were great estates with eight to ten bedrooms, great banquet halls for entertaining and they were surrounded by acres of manicured gardens that were only seen in the places of the old world.
The residents of this community and their airs kept the same lifestyle for almost 100 years. They were very aware of what they controlled and were determined to keep what they had no matter what and anyone that challenged them would find themselves in jail or worse, dead in a ditch along with anyone who tried to fight not only the rich but the law itself.
The only time the commoners (peasants) low life would see these wealthy rulers was when they left their mansions to come into town to check on their business to make sure the Board of Directors and senior management were looking after their interests and making them richer day by day or even better hour by hour.
Of course, the town folk didn’t actually see these rich titans because they were inside their black, elegant four horse powered coaches. These beautiful carriages were replaced as soon as the automobile was created and then the onlookers still couldn’t see inside the limousines because of the tinted windows.
Life in the Barron Estate didn’t change much except for a brief period in the late 20’s and early 30’s because of the enormous wealth of these families and the diversity of their businesses and a currency that never loses its value, Gold.
Even into the 1950’s, life pretty much stayed as is. This all changed in 1959 when a woman “Madam Bovaird” a well-known voodoo practitioner and a princess of Black Magic dared to challenge this rich, rich community.
The feud started when a businessman Mr. J.D. Robertson contacted Madam Bovaird and asked her to put a spell on a rival businessman so he could cheat his opponent and win an enormous export import deal.
They agreed on a price for this spell, a very large payday for Madam Bovaird $25,000.00.
Of course, Mr. Robertson had no intention of giving such a large sum of money to anyone let alone a black fake nobody like this Princess of Darkness.
Not keeping his side of the bargain was only one mistake this rich man made as he underestimated the power of Madam Bovaird. He also told the police to arrest her and charge her with extortion.
Madam Bovaird’s trial lasted less than one hour. The corrupt judge heard only Mr. Robertson’s lawyer and then passed sentence on the woman he called a witch, giving her a one-year sentence.
Well, a 12 month stay in a prison was not going to happen to Madam Bovaird. In less than a month, she was released by the Warden for what he called humanitarian reasons, but it was later revealed that no one could hold a Princess of Darkness for any length of time.
Madam Bovaird had a smirk on her face as she walked out of the prison and was greeted by a dozen of her followers. When they arrived at her place of business, the only thing she said was, it’s time for revenge, but I’m not going to get mad, I’m going to get even.
This was the beginning of the end for the Barron’s Estate, the once monument to the rich is destined to crumble and destined to acquire its new name “The Village.”
Madam Bovaird started her fight with the Barron’s’ in the city, but soon took it to the very heart of the Estate.
She would walk the streets telling everyone her predictions and prophesying about the future of the residents of the community and the loss of all they possessed. They would go from having it all to having nothing in a very short time.
As expected, the residents of the estate were not going to allow this so-called Daughter of Satan to intimidate them. Every time she made an appearance in the community, she was met by the police and security guards who would remove her (sometimes physically) from the premises.
If the community thought that all they had to do was remove this menace from their prescience a few times she would get the message they were sadly mistaken.
The abuse only made Madam Bovaird more determined to make the community aware of the coming destruction that all the money in the world could not stop.
One Saturday morning, Madam Bovaird managed to elude the guards, who after a few quiet days had forgotten about her.
In a very high-pitched voice, she addressed the residents of the community, who had come out of their mansions to see who was disturbing the tranquility and peace of their secluded oasis.
Citizens of the Barron’s Estate, listen up. Because you have failed to heed my warnings, I’m predicting your downfall and the future of this community.
I’m dying and on the day of my death will be the day that everything you possess and hold dear will be taken away from you and your descendants. Everything you own will be given to help the poor and anything that can’t be used by someone else will be forgotten by the world.
The following Saturday, someone posted a bulletin on the gates of the community and in the local paper that Madam Bovaird has passed on and the estate community should prepare itself for the predictions she foretold them only a week before. All day Saturday and Sunday went by without any noticeable changes, so the community gave a sigh of relief, but this reprieve did not last long, because on Monday morning all hell broke out.
The events that were taking place can only be compared to the stock market crash of the 20’s, but not even that period of time was as devastating as this one proud and arrogant community was experiencing.
Fortunes were being lost, wiped out within hours and panic set in before the clock struck 12.
Of course, this only the beginning. The next day the young men of the community started dying and doctors were stumped and couldn’t find any medical reason for their sudden deaths. It was mind blowing to see these young men in their teens and twenties just fall down and take their last breath.
With their fortunes lost and their mansions quiet, the once insanely rich residents of Barron Estate started leaving, taking very little except their personal belongings and some valuables such as pictures and other art possessions.
Without upkeep, the once stately homes soon started to crumble. Of course, once the hundreds of city folks stripped these mansions of everything, they could carry they were left just empty shells of their former stately mansions.
Our story of the downfall of the Barron’s Estate and the creation of The Village starts 40 years later. It will usher in the New Millennium the 2000’s.
This era will bring its own trials and tribulations and many new problems to solve. Thankfully, God sends us s hero to help us on our journey, a young girl named “Whisper.”

The Story Begins
Chapter 1
The Dark Side Of Life
Throughout History, most stories were told by someone who witnessed the events or through research with help from eyewitnesses. The story I am about to tell you happened just the way it was told. My name is Hope and I was there. I saw it happen right before my eyes so sit back, take a drink of your coffee and immerse yourself into the world of a young girl named Whisper.

Alexander City New York 2001
It’s been about a year since the Twin Towers came falling down and the world for every person in the USA has been changed forever. Of course, there will always be exceptions and a small section of the city was a place that was not subjected to the changing times like the rest of the world. In the village life doesn’t change day to day, as a matter of fact, this little piece of real estate has only undergone one change in the past 100 years. The rich and famous moved out in the late 1950’s and the lower class or as the rich will call them, the poor people moved in. One Family, John and Charlotte Jones and their Daughter Abby-Lee jumped at the chance to live in a big mansion and get out of their cockroach infested one-bedroom apartment.
Moving day didn’t require a moving van and a crew of 10 strong experienced young men! Oh no, John and his brother moved everything in one shot, but the old pickup truck was filled with all the Family treasures that they had accumulated over the past 20 years. Among the boxes and bags on the truck that day was a small trunk and except for looking very old, but there wasn’t anything about it that made it stand out, but the tattered box held some objects that ordinary people would find unsettling and chills would run ram pad through a person’s body when seen up close. During the unloading, John came out onto the front steps and hollered to his brother Kurt who was just about to lift the trunk by himself, wait I’ll bring that in by myself, but he was too late, Kurt had already cleared the side of the trunk when he slipped and the trunk fell on the ground and the lid popped open and the contents fell on the ground. John looked around to see if anyone had seen what just happened. It only took about 10 seconds for him to get to Kurt and start putting the objects back inside the trunk. John was so busy collecting the items that he didn’t have time to ask Kurt if he was alright. In a sarcastic voice, Kurt said, I’m okay, I’ll live, don’t worry about me. John didn’t even respond to Kurt’s comments, he just threw the last object into the trunk and tried to close the lid and lock it, but the cover didn’t line up and John was getting madder by the minute. He looked up at Kurt and with a lot of anger in his voice said” I told you I would look after the trunk, you’re such an idiot, you never listen to anything I say.”
Kurt looked at him and said, chill out brother, it’s just a bunch of stupid voodoo stuff. I thought you got rid of black magic crap years ago. It’s none of your business what I do. AS a matter of fact, you shouldn’t be so quick to give up on the ways of our ancestors, because their powers are still with us today.
I guess I should tell you now that I am Abbey Lee’s first cousin, her Father John is my Uncle and half-brother to my Father Jacob. It’s a little confusing but that’s okay. Abbey Lee and I just say we got a crazy mixed-up Family, but we don’t care, because we got love and lots of it. I will just tell you a little more about me, and the we will get on with the story.
My Dad Jacob got wandering feet when I was about 5 years old. My Mom tried her best to make it on her own, but it didn’t last long. It took just about a year before she started looking for a replacement, and she got plenty of would-be future husbands, knocking on our door. When none of the suiters worked out, it took only five and a half years of alcohol and drugs, to take her to meet her maker. I prayed every day that she would accept Jesus, and I think in the end, she did!
So, at 11 years old, I was alone, well not totally, I had a distant cousin who volunteered to take me in. They lived in the village, so, I was there before Abbey Lee and her Family moved in. Anyway, like I said, this is not my story, it’s about Abbey Lee’s daughter Whisper.

New York 2003
Abbey Lee or as everyone called her ” Angel” a name her Father cringes at every time he hears it said at the dinner table said she wanted to get a job. Her Father just looked up from his dinner plate, gave her a quick stare and then just continued to eat. Her Mother just shook her head and gestured to Angel to just drop the subject. I’m 18 and I want to go to work so I can have a life and buy the things I want and have a social life with my friends. Her Father pushed his plate away, stood up and without saying a word and went into the living room to his favorite chair.
After a few moments of silence, Angel said to her Mom, why does he always have to control you and me? You never stand up to him, you are like a little scared rabbit. Well, I’m not going to let him control my life anymore. I’ve already applied for a job at the factory over on Avenue Road, you know the one across from Martin’s superstore.
Angel, it’s a cruel world out there and your Father and I just want you to be safe and happy. Mom, I need to have more freedom, you know, make my own decisions, even if they are not always the right ones.
I’ll talk to him tonight, but if you get a chance to do what you want, you know there is no turning back to the way things are now. You may be on your own, because he could disown you. Please just be sure you really want what you’re wishing for.
Well, Angel got the job and things didn’t change all that much at the Jones’s residence except the master of the house didn’t pay much attention to Angel. He didn’t say good morning, good night or even answer any questions she would ask from time to time.
Angel’s Mother had her worst nightmare come to life when Mr. Simmons, the owner of the factory son Robert (Robbie) picked her out of all the pretty young girls who was working on the line for his next consequent. He told his shift boss to put her on the night shift and in a section where she would be working alone for most of her 10 hours.
After only a few nights, Robbie should up drunk and his hormones were running wild. The machine Angel was working on was very loud and she didn’t hear Robbie coming up behind her. She jumped when he put his arms around her and kissed her neck as he pulled her to the floor.
After he had violated her, he just adjusted his pants and walked away laughing while Angel laid there on the floor crying and wishing she was dead.
For some strange reason Angel’s Father didn’t seem to be angry, as a matter of fact, he was very calm. This bothered her Mother because she knew what John was capable of and when he got upset, he made things happen, bad things.
When the news got out Angel was fired from her job for some made up reason and then everything went back to normal, but they didn’t stay that way. Oh no, they got really weird. First, spoiled brat Robbie had a bad accident in his new Porsche that left him paralyzed and helpless. There was also a few incidences at the factory. The shift boss got sick and had to leave and the factory was losing a lot of money to its competitors and was heading to bankruptcy. Angel was getting bigger by the day and her father grew more distant as her time grew nearer. It was obvious that her baby would not have his or her grandparents babysitting them anytime soon.
Without much fanfare, on April 17th, a Friday, Angel gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and she named her Jessica Lee Anne, but she would be known to the world as Whisper.
Right from the start, it was obvious that Whisper was different. She had an air about her that was felt by anyone who came close to her. It’s hard to explain, but because she seemed at peace, it rubbed off on you if you were in her presence for any length of time. Papa John and Momma Charlotte, Whisper’s grandparents felt it the most and couldn’t stand to be in the same room as their little granddaughter.
Of course, this is because they practiced Voodoo and were children of the evil one. Abbey Lee,” Angel” wasn’t all that spiritual, but although she didn’t go to Church, she was a believer. She told me one day that she felt the forces of evil in the house, especially when she was alone and not in the same room as Whisper.
I should tell you know how Whisper got her name. Well, it started the day Abby brought her home. It was kind of weird really. Whenever someone was in the room, they spoke in a low voice. Even if you tried to talk loudly, you couldn’t, your words would come out very low.
From the first year, The Jones’s residence was sectioned off. Abby and Whisper were only allowed in certain rooms and Whisper was never allowed to be in the same room as Grandma and Grandpa. Whenever John or Charlotte needed to go through a room where Whisper was, they would ring a bell (there was a bell installed on every door in the house) so whenever Abby heard the bell., she had to put Whisper in a box. These boxes were in every room, just like the bell on all the doors.
These small boxes where Whisper spent a lot of time were called THE BLACK BOX because of the way they were constructed. No light shined through. No one could understand why Whisper never complained about the time she spent in one of the boxes and Abby didn’t find out why until one day she tapped on the door to tell her baby girl that the coast was clear and she could come out and get some hugs and kisses and be told how much her Mommy loved her.
I remember it was a Sunday and Abby and Whisper and me had gone to Church and were sitting in a room off the kitchen when we heard the bell ringing and without being told, Whisper got up and went inside the box. When Charlotte left the room, Abby knocked on the door of the box, but Whisper didn’t come out. After knocking again, she started to panic, so she opened the door and looked in. Whisper was sitting with her back to Abby and she was talking to someone. Although Abby couldn’t tell who Whisper was talking to, she could see everything in the box, because it was well lit. She didn’t know at the time, but the light was coming from Whisper’s face. When Whisper turned to face her Mom, Abby had to close her eyes and put her hand up to shield herself from the blinding light.
The daily routine for Abby and Whisper didn’t change very much. The one thing Whisper enjoyed was her daily walk outside. It seemed she was in awe of everything she looked at, from a little flower growing through the crack in the pavement, to the people they passed. She especially like animals, any animal, but dogs were her favorite. One day when they were walking in the neighborhood, there on a front step of an old house was a stuffed toy, a dog. Before Abby could say anything, Whisper grabbed the tattered, dirty and battered toy and hugged it, saying, you are safe now. I’m taking you home and you will live with me forever. Before they reached the house, Whisper stopped and after saying something to her new pet, she met her Mom and told her she was going to call her new pet Mickey short for Michael, the Arc. Angel. Whisper and Mickey were inseparable, she would hang onto him like a Mother would hold her child.
One morning when Whisper and her Mom were in the small room, and not expecting any company, the doorbell rang and it startled the both of them.
Whisper jumped up and started to run to her box, but stopped in her tracks because Mickey was about 10 feet away on a little stand, she had made for him so he could watch her as she played. Get in the box Honey, quickly now, please. Whisper took another look at her doggie, and as she closed the door of her box, Grandpa John walked into the room. He was looking for something on the shelf where Mickey was sitting. He gave a swat with his hand and the precious toy flew across the room, landing in front of the door. After getting what he came for, John walked toward the entrance and as he got within a few feet, he stopped, hesitated and the kicked the helpless toy so hard that it made an opening in Mickey’s belly and some of the stuffing fell out.
Abbey was holding Mickey when Whisper came out of the box. Her beautiful daughter didn’t seem upset at all. She just took Mickey from her and whispered something to her companion and then sat down and continued to play like nothing ever happened.
Whisper was very excited on a Monday in June. She was really anxious about going for her walk. Abby kept asking her what was so special about today. You’ll see Momma. We’re going to meet a nice lady today and she is going to teach me how to sing. It’s time to go home now, we’ve been around the block 3 times and nobody stopped to talk to us. We need to go down that alley over there. I don’t think that is a good idea Sweetie, it’s dark and we don’t know who could be hiding in there and we could get hurt. No, I don’t think so, that’s where the lady lives, Please, please Mommy, we need to talk to her. Okay, but if anything goes wrong, I want you to run home as quick as you can. I’m sure I won’t have to.
When Abbey and Whisper got to the end of the dark alley, they could see a beautiful garden with a path that led to a small cottage. It had been cloudy when they entered the dark passageway, but now the sun was shining and the birds were singing.
Come on, let’s go and meet the lady in the red dress. Okay, we’ll knock, but if no one answers, we’re out of here. Angel had to hurry to catch up with her little one who was at the front door and waiting for her Mom to use the door knocker to sum men whoever was inside. They didn’t have to wait very long before the door opened and a beautiful woman was standing before them. Abbey spoke first saying, I hope we are not bothering you, but my daughter thinks that we were supposed to meet you or someone that would help her with singing. Come in, I’ve been expecting you.
The inside of the house was one big musical mansion. On the outside, it looked like a small cottage, but once inside it was as a castle. Everything in there was musical, the big chandelier hanging in the entranceway played an arrangement from Beethoven, while the hardwood floors and the rugs and carpets played familiar tunes of their own. The fireplace seemed to be a stage where the flames danced and the burning wood gave off a glow to match the finest light show of any Broadway glittering opening night. Abbey and Whisper were in awe as they were led to a large dining table that was filled with every food imaginable. Standing near the table were 10 tin soldiers, the ones you would see in the play, The Nut Cracker, they were there to serve and cater to the guests every wish and command. Whisper looked at her Mom and laughed because no matter how much she ate and enjoyed the food, she didn’t get full.
Maybe you and me could come and live here Mommy and you and me could be happy all the time. We’ll see Sweetie, but don’t be surprised if this is only a dream and you wake up in your own bed at home. The lady in red smiled and with a wave of her hand, the table and all the food disappeared and the three of them were sitting in a small theater looking at a big screen. The lights were out and the show began. The first screen was a picture of the universe. The colors were so bright that Abbey had to blink to adjust to the blinding light. The voices of a thousand Heavenly Angels filled the room and then a male voice broke through and talked about the people whose who’s pictures appeared and filled the entire screen.
First were the Angels one by one who sang their names out loud. Then the people throughout history who sang their praises to God. There was David and the Apostles and then farmers in their fields and believers in Churches, some in their workplaces that didn’t appear in any order, just randomly. It showed Christians who were executed for their beliefs, martyr’s who sang their praises to God as they were being burnt, nailed to crosses, or hanged because they wouldn’t denounce our Lord and Savior. Next on the screen, were the faces of people who wrote the Great Gospel Songs. There was John Newton who wrote Amazing Grace, the author of Precious Memories and so on. One by one they appeared from before and after our Lord Jesus was born. The pictures didn’t stop when 2019 lineup came, it continued on into the future. Abbey’s face lit up when she saw her beautiful Daughter’s teenage profile appear on the screen. I don’t think Whisper recognized herself because she didn’t respond or say anything as she sang with a Heavenly voice.
The lady in the red dress spoke to Abbey without saying anything out loud. It was a conversation between two minds. You need to know that your daughter will go on to become not only a great singer, but she will also be destined to lead believers and non-believers to rise up and fight against the evil that rules this world. Evil wins a lot of battles but it doesn’t win the war.

Except on Sundays, Abbey and Whisper would go to that special place where dreams come true. This Heavenly Place is called Dreamland.
Life at the Jones wasn’t getting any better, as a matter of fact, they were becoming worse. A darkness and a sense of doom had settled in and Abbey feared that evil would start to affect her little girl and she would lose control over how Whisper would turn out as she grew into a God-fearing young lady.
The next challenge for Abbey and Whisper was going to school. Abbey didn’t believe her naive Daughter could handle the pressures of both a home ruled by the cult, the evil one and the big outside world where she would be all alone.
The first few years weren’t too bad for Whisper because the kids she was around for most of the day were just trying to fit in and do whatever they needed to do until it was time to go home and be with their families especially their Mothers. Although Whisper was a loner, she had a way about her that some of the kids, the ones that were different found comforting when they felt like no one cared or were just lonely, they would seek out Whisper and by just being near her gave them comfort and a peace that got them through the day. Of course, envy would soon shows its ugly head and some of the other kids were jealous that no one wanted to be around them so they started giving Whisper and her followers a hard time.
They would smash and destroy anything that was giving their enemies fun and happiness. Those little bullies would give Whisper a hard time whenever the teacher wasn’t looking. The major problem these unhappy kids had was that whatever they tried to do was met with a smile and an attitude as whatever Whisper had she would share with anyone who asked. As time passed and the aggressors got a little older, so did the hatred of Whisper and her peace and love and way of life. Kids can be cruel and as the saying goes, hurting people, hurt others and Whisper didn’t help matters with her carefree ways. One thing that bothered her enemies was her stuffed toy Mickey that she would have with her at all times. Of course, they would mock her when she would whisper to her ugly tattered companion.
One day Whisper was in the washroom and two of her classmates came in and blocked Whisper’s path. As they stood between her and the door, the taller one grabbed for Mickey and managed to get a hold of one of his legs. As she twisted it in her fingers, Whisper just said something in a very low voice. The other girl pushed her and asked her what she said. This caused the other girl that had Mickey’s leg in her fingers to give a sharp pull and Whisper had to let go so Mickey’s leg would not be pulled off. All of a sudden, the girl let go of the stuffed toy and as it fell from her hand, she saw a little blood on her finger and then ran to the bathroom crying and saying that Whisper had bitten her for no reason at all. Whisper sat outside the Principal’s office while the nurse and her teacher were in a conversation with the injured girl’s Mother.
The Mother slammed her hand down on the principle’s desk and said my Husband and I give a lot of money to this school and if you want to keep getting our help and support, I suggest you get rid of this menace to society and start doing your job of protecting our children. The Mother slammed the door and for a few minutes she just stared at Whisper who was just sitting there smiling. Come in Miss Jones the Principal said as he opened the door and directed Abbey to a seat in front of his desk. I’m sorry to have to tell you but your child has been suspended and I don’t think she will be allowed to return to this school in the future. Abbey just looked at him and with sympathy in her voice she said, I truly believe this decision was not made by you but by the rich people who control the purse strings and you have to do what is best for your school’s future. Thank you for understanding my position and you are right; they control everything around here. I just hope someday that will change but for now we don’t have any authority. We just do what they say and follow along like sheep.

After a week of staying home, Abbey told Whisper on Sunday night that she would be starting at a new school on Monday morning. Just before Whisper fell asleep, she softly spoke to Mickey, I think we are going to enjoy going to the new school because we are going to meet some new friends that will be with us for a long, long, time.
Abbey and Whisper got to school very early as they wanted to see the staff as they arrived. Very often people live two lives, one in their private way of living and the other is the one who usually wears a mask or hides behind a smile.
Abbey was a little surprised when she saw some of the staff arriving and actually happy and were hugging each other like they hadn’t seen them for a long time. Abbey saw one teacher stopping to pick up some garbage and putting it in the garbage can. Another had taken some bread crumbs from her purse and was feeding the birds that came right up to her and made sounds like they were asking for some food that they knew was going to be thrown their way on this day as every other day in the past.
It seemed like just on cue as soon as the teachers entered the building the kids with their parents started to arrive. Whisper watched a small group of children jumping around like it was the last day of school and that they were getting ready for summer and fun in the sun. As soon as Abbey and Whisper walked in the front doors, they knew they were entering a place filled with love and happiness. Abbey had to move out of the way as a gang of young girls came between her and Whisper. She wasn’t sure if Whisper was going to be okay until a voice behind her the principal confirmed with a voice of authority, with a big smile reassured her that her little girl was in good hands. She then motioned to Abbey to join her in the office. The principal sat behind a very modest desk that was a little lower than the chairs in front of it. She didn’t look up for a few seconds, she was looking at a file but as she leafed through the pages, she removed certain ones and as the last one was reviewed she made a pile and without hesitating, she tore them up and threw them in the garbage, and then looked up at Abbey with a big grin and said, we don’t judge anyone here by what the outside world says they are or they are not. This school has been operating for a long time without the financial help of the rich and powerful men and women who believe money can buy anything and if you don’t play by their rules, you won’t succeed.
We do things here at the little brown schoolhouse that doesn’t require a lot of money, things like making our students dreams come true, and teaching them things that they will take with them, the rest of their lives.
• Money can buy books, but it can’t buy you knowledge
• Money can buy wisdom, but it can’t buy your health
• Money can buy the best food, but it can’t buy an appetite
• Money can buy you people, but it can’t buy you love
• Money can buy you employees, but it can’t buy you loyalty
• Money can buy you praises, but it can’t buy you respect
Your little girl will tell you that she spent an hour or so of her school day learning reading, writing and arithmetic, but what she will remember most is the opportunity to explore her options around what she wants to do, and not conforming to what someone else thinks she should become. We will be guiding her on her journey to becoming a fine young lady who doesn’t follow blindly the well-worn road of this world, but makes her own path where no path was before. Abbey then heard her say something strange, something she could not have known. She said, I know things aren’t right at home and you and your child are in a house of evil but don’t worry because you are both protected by our Lord and Savior so always remember that he will never leave you or forsake you.
As Abbey and Whisper walked home on that first day, Whisper didn’t say very much except to say in her soft voice, Mommy thank you for bringing me to my new school. I love all my new friends, even the boys are okay. She had a little skip in her step as they held hands and enjoyed their walk, knowing they were going to have to stay another night in the evil house on Hawthorn Street.
Whisper was a happy little girl. She had her new school, her dream land and the lady in Red and her mommy who Whisper thought was an Angel sent from God.
As Whisper grew, so did the hatred of her grandparents. As the evil one took hold of their lives, they devoted themselves to doing what the devil told them to do. The occult nights went from one night to three nights and they got louder and sometimes out of control as their numbers grew to so many that they needed a bigger place to house their meetings. This meant that the first floor of the house would be used on the three nights which meant that Abbey and Whisper were confined to their small bedroom and couldn’t come out until the morning after. Because they were locked in their bedroom, they were spared from seeing the sickening activities that were going on.
The sacrificing of chickens still happened but so did the killing of all kinds of animals. This then led to orgies with naked men and women engaging in unthinkable acts that lasted until the wee hours of the morning.
Then, the night of the big fire came on Halloween evening 2007. The moon was full and the members of the occult were gathering together in record numbers and the house was filled to capacity with the members squashed in like sardines. Then someone called out, Fire and panic set in and people were being trampled to death as everyone tried to exit from the small front door. The back door was locked to prevent anyone who wasn’t a member from getting in.
Abbey woke Whisper when she heard screams so she woke Whisper and they made their way to the stairs and got out through a window on the ground floor. As she dragged her little one by the hand, Whisper stopped and said to her Mother, I need to go back and get Mickey, he’s all alone and scared. I don’t want him to burn in the fire. Abbey said, okay you stay here and don’t move and I’ll go and get your pet. Please just stay here no matter what happens.
I got to the burning house and saw Whisper just standing there looking up at her bedroom window. I asked her where her Mickey was and she just pointed up. She got the stuffed toy and said something about not being able to get down the stairs. She blew a kiss and threw Mickey out the window as the flames engulfed her and she was gone. Whisper ran and picked up her singed companion and then looked back up and a tear fell from her eyes as dropped to her knees and then fell on the grass in a heap clutching the only thing she had left in this world.
It took many days to identify all the victims. No one had ID on them and even if they did, the bodies were so burnt that the doctors had to use dental records to give names to the charred and deceased bodies.

Life changed forever after that terrible fire and not just for Whisper. There were about 40 people who lost their lives that night but it touched hundreds of Families and Friends.
The same family that took me in also came to rescue Whisper. This gave me a chance to be close to her and although I would never take her Mother’s place, at least I would be someone who loved her and would take care of her until she could make it on her own. Helping someone raise a child is a lot easier than doing it all on your own, with Whisper the job was a lot less complicated. She was years beyond her actual 7 years. It was as if she was chosen to be or do something that would change people, her community and maybe even the world. Of course, I had no idea that what I was thinking would come true, so I was as surprised as everyone else when her gifts and talents started to show.
Although I never went inside the Little Brown Schoolhouse or met the lady in red who ran Dreamland, I knew all about them during the many hours that Whisper and I spent together. She would tell me about her classmates and how each one of them came from a broken home, but God gave them each a Special Gift, and the opportunity to use them for God.
She loved to tell me about the lady in red and how she always made her feel special and encouraged her to be the best she could by using what she was given by God.
She especially enjoyed a section of dreamland called Candy Gardens. Once you entered this area it was like you were in a dream but not just an ordinary run of the mill dream you often have every night. Oh no, this would be like no other dream you ever had.
The entrance to this magical place was the start of a wonderful journey. The doorway looked like a waterfall, but it was not water. It was like a mist when you put your hand into it. Your hand felt separated from your body.
Anyway, the lady in red didn’t let me think of it for too long. She came up behind me and pushed me forward. I fell through the mist and landed on my hands and knees on a bed of bright green grass. As I got to my feet, I felt different and to my surprise, Mickey was jumping up and down, but I thought for just a second that it can’t be, because he is only a stuffed toy. I didn’t spend much time thinking, I just started to enjoy this wonderful place.
The first thing I noticed was that all the flowers were made of candy, but even stranger than that was when I ate a bunch of the different petals (candy) I didn’t feel full. I could eat as much as I wanted to without stopping.
Another thing I noticed was that, whenever I picked a candy off of a flower, it grew back right away.
I laughed when I saw Mickey jumping in the air trying to catch a butterfly that was having fun teasing him. Once he jumped too high and wasn’t watching where he was going to land and he fell into a little patch of clover and when he came up for air, he was all green and if he stood still you could pick him out as he blended in and became invisible to anyone looking.
Whisper said she was only in Candy Garden for about 10 minutes, but it felt like her and Mickey were there all day.
Whisper’s music lessons were the highlight of her time at Dreamland. Everything in the closet was musical, the floors, the walls, the table and chairs and even the dishes. The whole house was one big musical experience for her. She would learn how to reach different octaves, pitches and keys. The lady in red said that no other living person could make music as beautiful as a robin in spring time.
With school, Dreamland and quiet time, Whisper didn’t have a lot of time to think about her Mother, but she would say that she often dreamed about her. She would say that her and her Mother never talked. She would say her Mother was always laying on a bed of roses with her hands on her chest. Her eyes were closed like she was in a wonderful sleep. She looked so at peace that Whisper said, I wouldn’t say a word in case I woke her up from a beautiful dream.
I wish I could say that from the day on, I became Whisper’s guardian, and that everything was perfect. And that I could block out the real world of evil, any time I wanted to.
No one lives in a sheltered place 24/7. Whisper would have to deal with trials and tribulations the same as the rest of us. I was confident that she would rise above any and all the challenges that came her way. I didn’t expect the devil to start his assault on her so soon. I also didn’t think she had the ability to fight him and win at such a young age.
On our way home from school, we noticed a group of boys in a circle around a young girl from Whisper’s school. They were pushing her to the ground and when she tried to get up, they just pushed her down again. I didn’t want to leave Whisper alone and go to the girl’s aid so I just hollered at them to stop but they just ignored me and kept on with their tournament of the helpless little girl. Before I could stop her, Whisper let go of my hand and was walking toward the group of angry young men. I tried to stop her but I couldn’t speak or move. I watched as she approached the circle and just gruel led her mouth and it looked like she was making a screaming sound. It looked like nothing was coming out of her mouth until I saw all the boys holding their ears and falling…

To read the rest of this story, please contact us.